Oktoberquest 2018

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A host of challengers arrive...


(  #)                           (Subject)
(  1)  Zistrosk     10/07/18     A host of challengers arrive...

News of previous Oktoberquests has spread far and wide, and a group of really
tough fighters have decided to test their mettle against our powerful heroes.
Find a fightmaster.  Issue a challenge.  Keep on defeating the fighters until
you've beaten them all.  Perhaps a bigger challenge awaits at the crossroads
of life?
See the next note for all the detaily details.
(  #)                           (Subject)
(  2)  Zistrosk     10/09/18     Oktoberquest challenger quest flow and rules

Basic quest flow:
1. Find an unassigned fightmaster and look at him for instructions
2. Issue a challenge
3. Defeat the challengers in solo IP1 combat, one at a time
4. On the sixth challenger of the day, bring your IP1 questor friends to help!
5. If enough sixth challengers are defeated, another challenge will open at the
   crossroads. Bring all the IP1 questors you can to try to defeat Seventh.
6. If you try to attack Sixth without killing at least one of your own mobs
   then you'll mess up the quest for the challenger of that Sixth. Plz Dont.
-Declare your one AV you'll quest on either by tell or mudmail to Zistrosk
-Be IP1 in the area while fighting any challenger
-Days are delineated by the calendar date in the time command, not by reboot
-Seventh resets at reboot, opens again with enough new Sixths defeated
-Solo: First challenger is worth 1 point, Second is worth 2, up to Fifth for 5
-Sixth is worth 6 to the assigned challenger, 1 each to the first five helpers
 --PLEASE ASK BEFORE JUMPING IN TO "HELP".  If they say it's ok, then attack.
-A KB on Seventh its worth 10 points.  Seventh randomly delays his own repop.
Scapezist's Note: This quest will run until November 6th at reboot.


Players are required to locate a fightmaster, whose random position is fixed at reboot. They can issue a challenge and he will produce a variety of opponents, up to 6 per day, in increasing difficulty. The 7th opponent spawns more randomly. To reach the 7th opponent the questor has to say ready to the Oktoberquest Roadie at the crossroads.



Located at crossroads the roadie sends you to a special quest area to fight the 7th challenge mob.

This roadie stands ready to to send Oktoberquestors to meet Seventh, but only
after enough Sixths have been defeated!  Come by and say that you are ready,
and if Seventh has been unlocked since reboot, you'll be sent to meet him.
Who can attack Seventh?  As many IP1 declared questors that want to, all at
the same time.
You say 'ready'
Have fun in the pumpkin arena!
Playername suddenly pops like a pumpkin shaped balloon!
Oktoberquest Pumpkin Arena
                             WW  `""9
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   jW   C'      \__\_.+'    / /  \    `+._/__/       `D  jQ
   Qf   C         C        /_/    \         D         D   Qk
   Qf   C      _  C        \_\____/         D  _      D   QF
   QL   C      \`+.__     _______     ______.+'/      D   QF
   BE   C.      \   \|    ||     |    ||      /       D   Qf
   jQ   `C.      \   |____|/     |____|/__   /      .D'   jW
    TQ   `C.      \._   `+.__________/___/|_/      .D'   jQ`
     9Q   `C.      C.`+._           |   |/.D'     .D'   jQ'
      "Qg  `C.     `C.   `"+-------'   ' .D'     .D'   pW`
        *WQy `C.     `C.        I        .D'    _.D' yW"
         *9Qy_`C.    `C.       I       .D'   _.D jgW"
            `9WQgC.__ `C.      I      .D'  _.Dp@@"`
Exits: north east south west northeast northwest southeast southwest 


(Fade) This fightmaster is here to oversee Oktoberquest fights here.
An Oktoberquest fightmaster is shrouded in flowing shadow and light.
The fightmaster is here to officiate Oktoberquest challenges for all declared
matches.  The first five challenges must be completed IP1 in the area, and
solo.  The sixth challenger may be attacked by any number of IP1 declared
questors that have already completed at least one solo match.  The roadie
at the cross roads may have a further challenge available.

Use say to issue a challenge.  Also use say to get your unofficial score.

If the player says challenge an increasingly difficult opponent will appear. Opponents 1-5 are required to be soloed. They will disappear if others enter the room.

Challenge 1

Sam the unsated satyr is worth 1 point.

           _,=----=,_      Sam is a satyr but today
         .-          -.    he is looking a little sheepish
        /              \
       /  /          \  \
      { {`|  0    0  |`} }
      `"-`|          |`-"`
          |          |
          \    \/    /
         ( '.      .' )
          '. `-()-` .'
            `"(  )"`
             /    \

Challenge 2

Skully the skiving Skeleton is worth 2 points.

          .7        Never one to make any bones about it,
        .'/         Skully the skiving Skeleton doesn't let his
       / /          gutless demeanor stop him from challenging you!
      / /
     / /         
    / /          
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Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Challenge 7

The 7th challenge mob is the Oktoberquest Pumpkin. This is a classic quest mob style fight, except this mob is relatively weak but with tremendous hitpoints and/or healing that makes the fight quite lengthy. It also makes landing the kill blow quite a random feat. The kill blow is worth 10 points to the individual player who lands it. No other points are awarded on this stage.

The oktoberquest pumpkin is DEAD!!
Player's punkin chunkin deed has been recorded.
The pumpkin pops like a balloon, spilling out its contents in a massive avalanche!

Each day the pumpkin drops different renamed food items. It also dropped "an Oktoberquest frozen pumpkin", a level 2 head wear with no statistics.


Related Quests


Point Leaders

Zistrosk: OKTOBERQUEST 2018 Leaderboard (current as of 13Oct18|20:04:41 CST)
Sat Oct 13 21:08:55 2018
  Name          Total       Name          Total       Name          Total
  Indious       0211        Eisenbeard    0130        
  Aleq          0201        Rimmons       0129        
  Xancnam       0193        Ciska         0119        
  Debian        0192        Daeryth       0118        
  Semiramia     0187        Valeya        0114        
  Arca          0186        Aisic         0111        
  Daemonia      0181        Nomak         0107        
  Durunex       0176        Emrakuja      0104        
  Lareawan      0169        Huck          0101        
  Padrik        0168        Ceirese       0084        
  Gaonllyx      0168        Madazanirt    0056        
  Ubamakaji     0166        Iohannis      0052        
  Netherwood    0163        Rammus        0044        
  Merit         0162        Petrograd     0037        
  Threg         0156        Rayen         0036        
  Blackrazr     0154        Nadidadern    0024        
  Leanq         0153        Corisar       0024        
  Roxorz        0152        Daemian       0021        
  Klaatu        0147        Balnor        0021        
  Brianey       0147        Cerf          0017        
  Charas        0145                                
  Dajjal        0132        
  Komodo        0131


Zistrosk: OKTOBERQUEST 2018 Activity Bar Chart
Sat Oct 13 21:08:17 2018
.    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. NOTES:
.    7 8 7 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Questors:   43
.    8 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
.    2 2 3 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.    Score:
.1200                                                         . Total:    5289
.                                                             . Average:   755
.1050                                                         .
.                                                             .    Kills: 
.900                                                          . First      226
.      |   |                                                  . Second     226
.750 | |   |                                                  . Third      225
.    | | | | |                                                . Fourth     225
.600 | | | | |                                                . Fifth      224
.    | | | | |                                                . Sixth      211
.450 | | | | |                                                . Pumpkin     17
.    | | | | |                                                .
.300 | | | | |                                                . Helpers    480
.    | | | | |                                                .
.150 | | | | |                                                . Scoring:
............................................................... Pumpkin    10
.    0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0. Helper      1
.DAY 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6. Other  1 to 6


Minor items

A large, frozen Oktoberquest pumpkin is on the ground melting.

Object 'an Oktoberquest frozen pumpkin' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 2 armor, weight 15.
Locations it can be worn:  head
Special properties:  none
This armor has a gold value of 10000.
Armor class is 8 of 8.
Playername oktoberquested in 2018 and only got this dumb target on their back.

Object 'Playername's archery target' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 50 armor, weight 1.
 Locations it can be worn:  back
Special properties:  none
This armor has a gold value of 0.
Armor class is 10 of 10.