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 ||:|      -= Recharge =-       |: This spell is used to       |:||
 ||:|                           |: recharge wands and staves   |:||
 ||:|   Syntax:                 |: after use. The Mage or      |:||
 ||:|                           |: Cleric performing the       |:||
 ||:| c 'recharge' <wand/staff> |: recharge should always      |:||
 ||:|                           |: ensure the item is not      |:||
 ||:|                           |: fully charged, as over-     |:||
 ||:|                           |: charging is considered      |:||
 ||:|                           |: dangerous. Also, there is   |:||
 ||:|                           |: always a small chance of    |:||
 ||:|                           |: destroying the staff, or    |:||
 ||:|                           |: in even rarer instances     |:||
 ||:|                           |: multiplying the charges     |:||
 ||:|                           |: available.                  |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
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