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A'enari (Good) Vl'aresch (Evil)
Bron'trel (Order) LaChte (Chaos)
Z'hyal (sun) Gre'Vos (moon)
Mak'kor (demons) Bael (death)
Sarane (feminism) Wirawyth (battle)
Estathius (neutrality) Tempus (war)
Kardis (sorrow) Adendra (faith)
Shivvan (sin) Sh'Vath (purity)
Ghordohl (wealth) Keltas (poor)
Kalerd (summer) Tirebaen (winter)
Cawyn (storms) Sil-Galith (mountains)
Masefi (wind) Grishnakh (orcs)

Tempus does not win battles, he helps the deserving warrior win battles. War is fair in that it oppresses and aids all equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. It should not be feared, but seen as natural force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence. Arm all for whom battle is needful, even foes. Retreat from hopeless fights but never avoid battle. Slay one foe decisively. Remember the dead that fell before you. Defend what you believe in, lest it be swept away. Disparage no foe for valor blazes in all.

Barbarians and warriors may worship the deity of war. Tempus smiles upon those who slay and sacrifice their foes. Tempus despises the giants who have long harassed the people of the North Plains Tribe. The only creature whose death is forbidden is the wolf, as he has been seen accompanied by one entering combat. The war god shares his people's distrust of magic and frowns upon those who make use of it.

Directions To Naos

  • Zmud: From dh[] nw;#2 w;#4 n;e;look painting;op n;n;#28 w;#2 s;#4 e;ne;n
  • General: From dh north-west, 2 west, 4 north, east, look painting, open north, north, 28 west, 2 south, 4 east, north-east, north

Directions to Devotion Room

  • ZMud: from barb recall w;n;n;nw;w;n;nw;n;n;n;n
  • MUSHClient: from barb recall w;n;n;nw;w;n;nw;n;n;n;n
  • General: from barb recall w;n;n;nw;w;n;nw;n;n;n;n
