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'98-2008, once again into the shadows.


Area Menu

  • Copy the full "areas" command from RoD into a file called areas.txt and remote extra spacing (replace " " with " " until you can't)
  • Create and run a batch file with the following code:
@echo off
set i=0
echo "|-"> areas2.txt
for /f "tokens=2 delims=|(" %%i in (areas.txt) do call :start %%i
goto :eof

echo "%*"
goto :eof

set /a i+=1
if "%t%"=="" ( set "t=[[%*]]" ) else ( set "t=%t% || [[%*]]" )
if "%i%"=="2" call :submit "%t%"
goto :eof

echo "|%~1">> areas2.txt
echo "|-">> areas2.txt
set i=0
set t=
goto :eof
  • Open areas2.txt and replace quotation marks w/ nothing to remove them all
  • You now have the body of the Template:Areamenu. Do not overwrite the whole thing, only the body, you will be able to tell.

Command Menu

  • Create a long text file of commands directly from inside RoD via commands. Use Excel to turn this list into 1 column and alphabetize it. Save it as commands.txt
  • Create and run a batch file with this code:
@echo off
set i=0
echo "|-"> commands2.txt
for /f %%i in (commands.txt) do call :start %%i
goto :eof

set /a i+=1
if "%t%"=="" ( set "t=[[%~1]]" ) else ( set "t=%t% || [[%~1]]" )
if "%i%"=="3" call :submit "%t%"
goto :eof

echo "|%~1">> commands2.txt
echo "|-">> commands2.txt
set i=0
set t=
goto :eof
  • Open commands2.txt and replace all quotation marks w/ nothing to remove them
  • Copy the resulting text into the Template:Commandmenu body

Skill Menu

  • Grab the list of skills off of the category skill page for the specific class you are updating
  • Create and run a batch file with this code:
@echo off
echo "|-"> skills2.txt
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:=" %%i in (skills.txt) do call :start "%%i" "%%j" "%%k" "%%l"
goto :eof

if "%~2"=="" for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ("%~1") do set level=%%i& goto :eof
for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%i in ("%~2") do set skill=[[%%i]]
for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ("%~3") do set max=%%i
echo "|%level% || %skill% || %max% || %~4">> skills2.txt
echo "|-">> skills2.txt
goto :eof
  • Open skills2.txt and replace all quotation marks w/ nothing to remove them
  • The resulting text can be used to create a skill table for any class page. See the warrior class for example syntax.



Object 'black cloak' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 3 armor, weight 3.
Locations it can be worn: neck
Special properties: organic
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
This armor has a gold value of 25.
Armor class is 4 of 4.
Affects affected_by by sneak
Affects moves by -25.


Object 'black cloak' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 3 armor, weight 3.
Locations it can be worn: neck
Special properties: organic
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
This armor has a gold value of 25.
Armor class is 4 of 4.
Affects affected_by by sneak
Affects moves by -25.


Nearly see-through, this robe is embarrassingly low-cut and worthless for