A New Players Guide For Despair

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A New Players Guide For Despair

Who is this guide for?

  • New players to Realms of Despair (RoD).
  • This guide is aimed at Peaceful (PF) players. Whilst there is an overlap of information, Deadly (PK) play is aimed at experienced players and not the primary audience of this guide.
  • RoD is a despairing game as the name would suggest. Punishing mobs, death traps (DT), instant deaths await the ardent adventurer, however beyond also awaits untold secrets, rewards and glory.

Looking for help?

If you need immediate help or are stuck on something not within this guide, it is recommended to:

  • Ask in the newbiechat (level 1 character), for example: newbiechat Hello! or new Hello!
  • Ask a Newbie Councillor, See in-game: HELP NC
  • Read the The New Player's Guide in your inventory. See in-game: HELP GUIDE
  • Use the in-game help guides, see in-game: HELP START
  • Use the in-game FAQ, see in-game: HELP FAQ
  • Searching Rodpedia.
  • Join the Discord group: https://discord.gg/aAfAunzrEQ

What to do as a new player:

Learning to Crawl

Character Creation

  • Whilst there are some fantastic low-level areas, the game largely opens up at Avatar (e.g. reaching Level 50).
  • Your initial goal should be to create a few Avatars and some gold to sustain yourself.
  • Each class has a usage in the game and are all relevant to some extent, however to avoid frustration please read on.
    • The game does allows multiplay, however as a new player this is more relevant later on.
    • Optimal distribution of stats is critical for later Avatar gear load outs. Glory from quests can be used to add stats to items, however poor stat distribution can be dire early on.
      • A Devout Dwarf Paladin is recommended as your first character due to:
        • Paladins having a strong solo game (early this will be your main game) and;
        • Being eternally useful as a character to hold future spare items due to innate Know alignment, Identify and 1000 carry weight.
        • Viable base stats include: 18 strength, 13 dexterity, 16 wisdom and the rest into preference of constitution and luck (weighted towards constitution).
    • Strong secondary/alternative characters are:
    • The game combat relies on two key mechanics:
      • The ability to quaff potions to restore health and/or mana before requiring to drink from a mystical spring to restore thirst. Constitution determines how many potions can be quaffed before needing to drink.
      • Dealing damage to mobiles via automatic melee combat and player input attacks (referred to as alphas). Luck plays a roll in combat modifiers and Constitution plays a role in damage reduction.
    • Having Fly to move at reasonable speed and movement points and Sanctuary to reduce mobile attack damage by half are critical to survival in the game.
      • Player-run spell-bots in the main town Darkhaven cast these for free. They are usually located northeast and northwest of Darkhaven Square (or better known as [ ] in-game).
  • Dyrdex's Power Quick Start Guide provides further insight and as a companion piece of reading;
  • For other classes and recommendations refer to Peaceful, a number of recommendations on classes / races / stats are made here.

Sunless Sea

  • Complete the pre-auth area in Sunless Sea (including obtaining A multifaceted diamond earring).
    • Learn the basics here:
      • It is assumed upon completing this area the player will understand concepts such as:
        • Navigating including movement
        • Understanding of interaction with rooms
        • Capable of using items and equipment, food and drink
        • Able to defeat mobiles.
        • Understand Laws, see in-game: HELP LAWS
    • Train statistics prior to leaving this area. See in-game: HELP TRAIN. It is highly recommended to read the helpfile of your selected class in order to train your stats towards your class primary, secondary stats. Keep in mind that each Statistic has its own level of importance while leveling. The in-game helpfile for each Statistic can explain the significance/role each stat plays.
      Refer to Peaceful to see player recommended stats. Refer to both Statistics and Statistic sections of Rodpedia for further reading.
    • Configure interface, see: HELP CONFIG, HELP CHANNELS
    • It is highly recommended to also read the in-game FAQ, see in-game: HELP FAQ
    • Read everything. Room descriptions, extra destriptions, keywords, direction exits all may contain clues that will help you progress to the next room or solve puzzles within the room itself.
    • Read both Deadly and Peaceful sections of Rodpedia for further information and helpful tips.

Learning to Walk

Halls of Knowledge (often referred to as The Academy)

  • After authenticating, your character will be in the game proper and appear at The Robed Figure in The Halls of Knowledge generally (excluding Barbarian players). Barbarians receive a unique storyline and start in The Peaks of Tar'pa Cithm with Raewyr the equivalent of the Robed Figure.
    • With a bit of exploring the Barbarian starting area is similar to The Halls of Knowledge and a Barbarian can reach New Darkhaven by visiting Caekath in the adjoining main town of The Village of Tar'pa Cithm. Make use of the HELP BMAP or HELP 'BARBARIAN MAP' to navigate around the village.
    • The following further information is based upon characters authenticating specifically into the The Halls of Knowledge:
      • On re-entering The Halls of Knowledge (such as by going up and coming back down), The Robed Figure will cast Thoric's Blessing a very powerful levelling spell up to level 20.
      • To the north, The spirit guide and The combat guide can train skills and spells, see: HELP PRACTICE.
        Also refer the following in-game help files: HELP SLIST, HELP CAST
      • Also to the north, Spirit Guide Selmanovic provides many interesting quests and insight into RoD.
        To the west of Selmanovic is the Geography Room which provides a guide for areas to visit at various levels.
      • To the east, lies the New Player Board which provides player provided tips for new players.
      • Also to the east, is the shadowy gatekeeper, which sends the player through the Cage Mobs providing essential early equipment and lessons about RoD including a fake DT.
      • To the south, the Rabid Ferret is also worth visiting early for a ring item.
      • To the west, after going through the Cage Mobs, the dragonsnake and rabid ferret provides most players first set of areas to quest/explore/kill for levelling.

New Darkhaven

  • Heading up from the Robed Figure will lead to New Darkhaven the central town of RoD. Using the HELP MAP helpfile can help you navigate around town.
    • It is worth heading up prior to continuing your experience in the the Halls of Knowledge to:
      • Visit Poshir for scrolls including a recall scroll to provide safe passage home.
      • Obtain spells from bots generally located northeast and northwest of DH[] (DH[] is 'u n w w w' from The Robed Figure in The Halls of Knowledge).
      • Visit Deren for early levelling potions, food and drink. Your character will need to eat and drink prior to becoming an Avatar to maintain mental state.
      • Visit Town Hall for quests (some provide valuable levelling equipment). All have worthwhile quests at the bracketed levels.
      • Visit Jensen for a quest to obtain Playername's sea chest
      • Visit Zelah the alchemist for healing and mana potions.
      • Visit Tagerte for transport to various areas of interest for early levels.
      • Visit Roichien in Town Hall for detect invis balm and icicle staff for create spring
      • Raid the newbie chests for equipment at the paintings near Sonoria in Notre Dame de Sioux, to the nw of DH[].
      • Visit the Bank and deposit and withdraw money. Various mobs steal (including within New Darkhaven) and having money safe in the bank prevents this.
      • Obtain a familiar/pet.
      • Visit your racial hometown via Tagetarle's ghost.
      • Buy/sell loot.

Further Exploration

  • Some sample areas of interest early on suggested below, however please also read in-game the Geography Room in The Halls of Knowledge for further areas of interest.

Learning to Run

  • Some suggest that reaching Level 50 and becoming an Avatar is the start of the game. Here the game opens up to 'running' mobiles, questing glory mobiles and equipping end game equipment. At this point, the player is assumed beyond the scope of this document.

How do I kill mobs and level up more efficiently?

Staying Alive


  • Whilst some classes are privy to healing spells, all characters will find restorative items to eat or quaff the most efficient form of health restoration whilst in combat.
  • Characters may want to consider various glowing potions from Zelah in New Darkhaven such as A glowing puce potion for level 2 to a glowing purple potion at level 7. It is recommended to use the highest level potion available. A glowing violet potion are recommended for use at avatar.
  • Create Spring is invaluable for allowing characters to continuously quaff. After 8 or so quaffs, a character becomes full and unable to quaff further. Drink spring resets thirst and allows further quaffs.
  • Rest/Sleep/Sit will also restore health over time and may be of value out of combat.


  • Some classes, particularly magic classes rely on mana to cast spells to level efficiently. A glowing blue potion from Zelah in New Darkhaven assists keeping mana up, but is relatively expensive.
  • Smoking certain herbs can provide mana restoration out of combat.
  • Later on, skills such as trance provide mana restoration out of combat.
  • Rest/Sleep/Sit will also restore mana over time and may be of value out of combat.

Useful Spells whilst Adventuring

Fly Fly spell reduces movement points used and increases speed of movement when moving and allows characters to surpass climb/no floor checks.
See also in-game: HELP HOVER, HELP LANDING
A magical flying carpet and A flying broom are non-consumable items that provide fly spell.
Sanctuary Sanctuary is an invaluable spell that reduces 50% of all damage taken.
A cheap source of Sanctuary potions comes from Shattered Refuge
Scan / Scry Having Scry as a spell or skill allows to scry into an adjacent room via: LOOK (direction)

Scan as a skill can provide some info into multiple rooms via: SCAN (direction)
Both may help to navigate mazes and potentially avoid instadeath or DT's.

Recall Scrolls Word of recall is an invaluable spell that allows the player to return to the safety of New Darkhaven or their respective Organization recall.
Be aware that not all areas allow adventurers the option of a tactical retreat.
Recall Scrolls can be purchased at Poshir's Scrolls shop in New Darkhaven.

Other Essentials

Deity Being devoted to a deity provides many benefits.

With sufficient devotion, two particularly noteworthy benefits are supplicate object and supplicate corpse.

Supplicate object creates a multi-hit light sources with a +1 stat associated to the deity.
Supplicate corpse allows for a player's corpse to be transported to them. 

This is invaluable after dying to quickly corpse retrieve (or CR). Some rooms/areas are 'no supp' and corpses cannot be supplicated, however this tends to be Avatar run areas but noted here for completeness.

Recommended choices are A'enari and Vl'aresch due to devotion level being easily and quickly improved by spam visiting said deities.
Stats Maximising stats is important in speeding levelling progress due to hitting harder and obtaining more experience per hit.

Leveling Gains of hp, mana and movement are randomised and maximising statistics improves chances of a good outcome.

Death Death and dying is an eventuality in RoD. However death tends not to be permanent.
The player will be transported back to Sonoria in New Darkhaven. If the character is naked, a corpse with their equipment will be left behind at where they died, excluding cases such as entering DT rooms.

After reaching 0 health, a player may not immediately die, but be in a stunned state. Cleric have some limited capacity to 'uplift' and restore a stunned player from great distances away. Also see in-game: HELP SUCCUMB.
After death, it is recommended to supplicate corpse, however clerics have some limited capacity to resurrect and see: HELP CR.

Common Game Terminology

AC / Armour Class There is sometimes a misuse of armour class and AC interchangeably.
AC/armor class can refer to the amount of hits a particular piece of equipment/item can take before scrapping (Typically a positive number e.g. 14 AC for an The Ice Girth, and this information is made available with use of spell such as identify).
AC/armour class may also refer to a character's defensive rating/damage mitigation (this is typically a negative number for the damage mitigation value), typically made available by finding a character's worth, see in-game: WORTH.
Confusingly character Armour class takes into account item armour class in the calculation of character armour class.
Avatar Level 50 character. Used to run end-game content, many consider this the starting point of the game.
CR Corpse retrieval. The act of returning to a player's corpse after death to retrieve a player's equipment and invenory.
DH[ ] / [ ] Stands for Darkhaven Square, the central thoroughfare through realms and starting point/base of travel directions in RoD. After auth it is located: 1u, 1n, 3w. From recall (Harakiem) it is located: 1s.

For layout of New Darkhaven see in-game: HELP MAP

DT / Death Trap Death trap room. Fatal rooms on entry that cause death and loss of equipment/inventory - to be avoided at all cost.
Leveling spells A set of spells used to boost stats and defense to assist levelling. Player run spell bots are typically located nw and ne of [ ]. A limited set of potions are also available from Deren.
Etch / Etching Effect to worn equipment's AC permanently reduced by 1. Typically due to a failed save vs or acid type attack.
Guild / Band Player run organisation grouped by class. Open to new players. Note: Band's are exclusive to Barbarian class.
See in-game for skill bonuses exclusive to guilds, see: HELP 'GUILD BONUS'
Glory Rare form of reward provided for successfully questing, can be used for purchasing modifiers and bonuses.
Quests are adventures that are typically run by Immortals that award Glory and/or Gold. Rare forms involve the reward of items/equipment. See: HELP GLORY
Gold The monetary currency of RoD
HP / Hitpoints Health points, at 0 hp or less death occurs. Can be restored with spells or health potions. .
Immortal The administrators and builders of the world of RoD.
IP / IP Restricted Refers to the number of concurrent characters that can be logged on at the same time by the player/user.
Mn / Mana Mana points, used to cast spells. Can be restored with skills (e.g. trance) or smoking or mana potions.
Mob / mobile Non-player characters, but typically refering to NPC's that can be killed for experience or loot.
Mortal Adventurers, players that form the playerbase.
Mv Movement points, used to move across terrain in realms. This can be largely unencumbered through the use of spell: fly.
NPCs Non-player characters, basically every character that's not a player. In RoD typically refers to interactive NPCS such as shop keepers.
Order / Clan Player run organisations grouped by association. Selective entry requirements. Note: Clans are exclusive to Deadly characters.
NC / Newbie Council Helpers who take an active role in assisting new players.
PF / Peaceful Peaceful players. Players not tagged player killer. May still player kill in designated arenas.
PK / Deadly Deadly/playerkiller players. Players that engage in player vs player killing. May player kill in and out of designated arenas. Have access to unique deadly only areas and faster levelling exp.
Pots Abbreviation of magical potions that contain various spells. Notable are heal pots, mana pots.
Pre-auth Abbreviation of Pre-authorization. The state a player is in prior to authenticating. Being located in Sunless Sea by typing: where indicates being pre-auth.
Tankset / tankset pots A standardised combination of various buff spells that are brewable and quaffed prior to difficult mob fights. See also: Spell Effect.
RoD Abbreviation of Realms of Despair.
Scrap / Scrapping Where worn equipment reaches 0 armor class it is damaged to break and destroyed. Equipment at 0 armour class is permanently destroyed.

Useful commands

  • SURVEY - checks the condition of your equipment, use it regularly to prevent scrapping/destroying equipment and repair often.
  • (put/get) x.(object) my.(container) - put / get stores or retrieves objects from containers. 'my.' prefix prevents inadvertently removing or placing items into containers on the ground (and potentially losing said item). 'x.' prefix to object is replaced by a value to allow interaction with different instances of objects/items/equipment with the same name by using value: 'numbers (0,1-9+)' or 'all'.
  • HALT - halt stops any pending stacked commands and allows a player to make a different input.
  • AFF / AFF BY - are both valuable commands to see Spell Effect on character and remaining duration/timer.
  • SCORE - Score provides an overview of vital character information.
  • COMMANDS - A master list of commands available in-game.

What next?

  • Suggested leveling areas - where to gain levels optimally
  • Reach level 50 and become an avatar.
  • Create an army of different avatars.
  • Equip your avatar and run end-game content. See: New avatar equipment and PK Avatar Blithe Equipment
  • Join an Order.
  • Buy a house/apartment.
  • Quest for glory.
  • Playerkilling as a Deadly.
  • Explore. Many secrets still remain untold in RoD.
  • Join NC. We were all newbies once.
  • Join TS. The Symposium, the conduit between the Immortal Team and the Mortal playerbase.
  • Suggest ideas ingame. See: help idea
  • Contribute to Rodpedia.

And more!

Useful Items

Here's a little guide on how to get useful items.  I'll list all the
items this guide includes first so you can browse through and do a
search.  All directions are from Darkhaven Square.  All Weapon stats are
for unenchanted weapons.

I've decided to list all sorts of items that you might be interested in
finding.  The guide has been reformatted to list items by area. 

I have decided to list item stats just by copying the result of identify
to save time for myself.  Note that the level is not necessarily the
lowest level possible, I will change these when I know them but in most
cases they will just be the level of the particular item I got.

Shattered Refuge
    Small Quill
    Odd Slick Packet
Northern Plains
    Low Level Eltor Hide Leggings
    White Deerbone Crescent
Northern Trade Route
    Fur From a Raccoon
Ocean Keep
    Low Level Lion Crested Bracers
    Low Level Lion Crested Belt
    Low Level Lion Crested Neck Guard
    Birch Bark Torch
    Low Level Sailor's Earring
    Low Level Sharktooth Necklaces
    Low Level Bloody Eyepatch
    Low Level Ring of the King's Navy
Wyvern's Tower
    A Pair of Travelling Boots
    Squirrel/Bear/Minotaur/Wyvern Fur/Skin cloaks
    Mystic Eye of Foresight 
    a Small Token Bearing the Words, '<Name> is a master of Archery'
Valley of the Elves and Dunhill Demesnes
    Rod of Neutrality
    Elven Quarterstaff
    Bulette Carapace Shield
    Tiny Forest Green Cap
    Faerie Trefoil
    Forked Hazel Twig
    Sprig of Club Moss
Dragon Tower
    A Small Rock Covered With Moss
    A Locket Of Hair
    A Monocle Of Foresight
    A Black Staff
    A Cyan Potion
    A Diamond Brooch
    A Holy Symbol
    A Platinum Bracelet
    A White Silk Belt
    A Runic Scroll
    A Magenta Potion
    The Sigil Cura
    A Luxurious Fur Cloak
    A Crested Shield
    A Pair Of Spiked Gauntlets
    An Emerald Sword
    A Dragon Skin Bracelet
    A Plain Black Robe
    A Black Silk Belt
    A Golden Dagger
    A Dragon Tailed Whip
    An Ancient Diamond Brooch
    The Helm Of Dragonkind
    A Golden Wand
    The Staff Of The Dragon
    A Stone Club
    A Dragon's Tooth Knife
    A Set Of Dragon Scale Sleeves
    A Pair Of Dragon Skin Gloves
    A Silver Staff
    A Copper Ring
    White Scale Mail
    A Snow-White Opal
    Leggings Of Dark Dragonscale
    A Scorched, Pitted Scroll
    A Diamond Ring
    A Piece of Time Everlasting
Bartok's Grove
    Dragon's Gloves, Axe, Helm, Rod
Shattered Refuge
Small Quill: 

Type - Light
Allowed - Devout and Neutral
Weight - 1
Affects - int +1, mvs +30, res poison +10%
Level - not sure, have found at level 6 post shattering 

Odd Slick Packet:

Type - trash
Level - 0

Found in Shattered Refuge

Dirs to Shattered Refuge: 13s, w, n, w

Once you are there, follow the path to the west and north until you
arrive at the gnome guards.  From there, go north to the receptionist.
Kill the receptionist for the key.  Unlock trapdoor, open trapdoor, and
down.  Alternatively, pass door through the door.  Once in this room,
open wall to open the hidden exit and go north.  In this room, search.
You will eventually find a crack.  The small quill is in the crack. 

From the room down from the receptionist, go west.  Open the box.  The
Odd Slick Packet is in the box, but the box is trapped so that if you
take the packet out damage is done and you put the box back.  To get the
packet out, fill <container> box.
Northern Plains
Low Level Eltor Hide Leggings:

Type - Legs
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 10
Affects - str +1, dex +2, HR +1, hp +30
Level - the ones you want are around level 9

Dirs to Northern Plains: nw, 2w, 4n, w, look painting, open n, n

Once at the Northern Plains, head west.  The Leggings are found on the
Inahir Child.  Inahir Child is unfortunately not trackable or
farsightable.  Do a "where child."  If you are lucky, it will say Tall
Trees or something else other than "Open Plains." Basically, wander
through the Open Plains (which is HUGE) scanning all at every room until
you find the child.  He will have the leggings on him.  Generally, he
tends to be very far to the west and somewhat northerly.
White Deerbone Crescent

Type - Ears
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 4
Affects - dex +1
Level - around 4

Found in Miden'nir

Directions: 10s, 4e, 1n, 2e

Have detect hidden.  Kill Jacob the Young Finn Elf for the Crescent.
Northern Trade Route
Fur From a Raccoon

Type - Face
Allowed - All
Weight - 2
AC - 11
Affects - none
Level - around 5

Found in Northern Trade Route (Area Pop)

Dirs to Northern Trade Route: 6n, nw

Simply follow the Northern Trade Route until you come upon a fallen log.
The Fur is in the log.
Ocean Keep
Low Level Lion Crested Bracers

Type - Wrist
Allowed - All
Weight - 4
AC - 10
Affects - str +2, DR +2
Level - 20-23

Low Level Lion Crested Neck Guards 

Type - Neck
Allowed - All
Weight - 12
AC - 10
Affects - HR +4, hp +35
Level - 20-23

Low Level Lion Crested Belt

Type - Waist
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 7
Affects - str +2, DR +2
Level - 20-23

Birch Bark Torch 

Type - Light
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
Affects - dex +1, DR +1, aff_by detect_invis, AC -5
Level - 20-23


Type - Container
Size - Medium

Low Level Ring of the King's Navy

Type - Ring
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 9 
Affects - mp +30, HR +2, DR +3
Level - 28-32

Low Level Sharktooth Necklace

Type - Neck
Allowed - All
Weight - 4
AC - 14
Affects - DR +4, str +1, mp +50, suscept pierce +10%
Level - 28-32

Low Level Sailor's Earring

Type - Ears
Allowed - All
Weight - 3
AC - 15
Affects - HR +1, DR +2, hp +20
Level - 28-32

Low Level Bloody Eyepatch

Type - Eyes
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 12
Affects - HR +2, DR +2, hp +15
Level - 28-32

Dirs to Ocean Keep:

Take the Eastern Trade Route (8e, ne).  Ocean Keep is the last terminus
along the route.  Alternatively, if you have trouble following the route
as I did, directions are: 8e, 2se, s, 4se, 2s, sw, 3s, e, u, se, d, e,
d, se, d, nw, w, d, w, d, w, n, nw, ne, 2n, 3ne, nw, ne, nw, ne, nw, ne,
nw, ne, 3nw.  Make sure you have FLY on if you follow those dirs, as
there is a bottomless room with an instant-death room underneath along
the way.

If you take the Eastern Trade Route, you will arrive at a room with two
guards in it.  One of the guards has a low level Lion Crested Bracer.

If you took the alternate route, you should have arrived 2w of the room
with two guards.

If you don't feel comfortable with taking on two guards a once, go 2d
and follow the road west.  There may or may not be a guard patrolling
the road with a Lion Crested Bracer.  Avoid the guard captains - they
are significantly harder to kill and their eq is around level 28 or so. 

Continue west down the road to the Marketplace.  Within the marketplace
there should be at least two Keep Guards (not captains).  One will have
the Lion Crested Belt.  If the other guard does not have the Lion
Crested Neck Guard, check within the Manor you passed on the way to the

Note that each guard has a Birch Bark Torch, which are good lights.

Go 2d from the first guards and follow the path west to the manor.  Go
north into the manor.  Continue north to the Kitchen.  Go East and South
to a "Hidden Chamber" in the Larder.  The Haversack pops in this room.

The Rings of the King's Navy and Sharktooth Necklaces are found on the
Lady Meredith, one of the boats floating in the water maze west of Ocean
Keep.  The Bloody Eyepatch is found on the Valkryie, the other ship.
Sailor's Earrings are found on one mob on the Lady Meredith, and several
on the Valkryie.  Walking to either the Lady Meredith or the Valkryie is
VERY difficult as you must pass through a norecall maze over water
filled with many many aggressive Wind Devils.  An AV should be able to
walk through the Wind Devils without too much trouble, but lower levels
will most likely die.  Plus, the maze is not easy to navigate although
by no means is it incredibly hard.  If you want to navigate the maze, I
warned you!  The entrance to the maze is: 2d, 12w, 2n, 3w, s, 3w, 3n, w
from the first two guards you meet. 

I strongly recommend Portal or Astral/Equivalent the ships.  To do this,
first one must get into the Azure Sea Geo.  The shortest route I am
aware of is: 6s, ne, 2s, se, 2e, s, 4sw, s, 2e, u, 3e.  From here,
Portal/Astral/Equivalent to Deckhand for the Lady Meredith or 4.Crewman
for the Valkryie.  If you going to the Valkryie, I strongly suggest Hide
or Invis or both to avoid aggro mobs.

Low Level Rings of the King's Navy pop on a Deckhand abovedecks.  Low
level Sharktooth Necklaces pop on a Deckhand belowdecks.  Neither of
these two specific Deckhands will pop unless EVERY Deckhand was dead at
repop, which is a rare occurance unless you are actively trying to pop
these items.  So, generally, one must first kill ALL Deckhands on the
Lady Meredith.  Do a "where deckhand" whenever you think you might be
done to make sure.  Then, the next repop, one Deckhand on the south side
of the ship abovedecks will have a Ring of the King's Navy, and one
Deckhand on the east side of the ship belowdecks will have a Sharktooth
Necklace.  To kill these Deckhands without suffering damage yourself, I
recommend sleep/backstab with a mage or vamp. 

Sailor's Earrings are to be found on the 3.Crewman "sleeping" belowdecks
on the Lady Meredith and on more than half of the Crewmen on the
Valkryie.  They are always invis, so have detect invis on. 

Bloody Eyepatches are found one one specific Crewman belowdecks on the
Valkryie.  This Crewman only pops if all three Crewmen that pop into its
room are dead at repop.  If the door has been opened you may have to
kill all the Crewmen onboard.  Again, I recommend casting sleep on all
mobs in the room and backstabbing to kill them.  The room this Crewman
pops in is w, n of the first belowdecks room under the hatch.
Wyvern's Tower
A Pair of Travelling Boots 

Type - Feet
Allowed - All
Weight - 2
AC - 5
Affects - mv +10, hp +10, dex +1, con +1
Level - 5

A Squirrel Fur Cloak

Type - About
Allowed - All
Weight - 3
AC - 5
Affects - DR +2, HR +2, hp +10, int +1, wis +1, aff_by hide, AC -10
Level - 10

A Bear Fur Cloak

Type - About
Allowed - All
Weight - 4
AC - 5
Affects - DR +2, HR +2, hp +10, dex +2, aff_by hide, AC -10
Level - 15

A Minotaur Fur Cloak

Type - About
Allowed - All
Weight - 5
AC - 5
Affects - DR +2, HR +2, hp +10, str +2, aff_by hide, AC -10
Level - 20

A Wyvern Skin Cloak

Type - About
Allowed - All
Weight - 6
AC - 9
Affects - DR +2, HR +2, hp +15, con +2, AC -15
Level - 25 

Torn Flesh of the Dragon

Type - Face
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 4
Affects - none
Level - 25

Mystic Eye of Foresight

Type - Treasure
Weight - 5
Level - 20
Properties - Exam for a magic eight ball answer to a question.

A Small Token Bearing the Words, '<Name> is a master of archery!'

Type - Treasure
Weight - 2
Level - 5
Properties - Just cool :)

Dirs to Wyvern's Tower: 

6w, 7n, w, 3n, 2e, 4s, e, s, w, sw, s, sw, 2s, sw, 3w, ne

From here, proceed e, ne, n, nw, 2n, ne to Fhaile's shop.  Travelling
boots are on sale for less than 10k, and are always level 5.

All of the cloaks are made by giving skins to Taradan the Trapper.
Taradan is e, s of the entrance to Wyvern's Tower. 

Wyvern's Tower can be divided into 3 major regions: The Forest, The
Centaur Village, and The Tower.  The Forest is where you enter.  5e of
the entrance is a gargoyle, beyond this gargoyle is the Tower.  The
Centaur Village has a hidden entrance in the Forest (e, ne, n, nw, 2n,
open w, w).
Squirrel skins are made by giving a squirrel corpse to Taradan.  He will
automatically take 1000 coins from you and give you a squirrel skin
back.  Squirrels are always found in the Forest section of the area.
One squirrel will pop per repop.  The pop room for squirrels is the
first room in the area.  Once you have collected 6 squirrel skins, go to
Taradan's room and "say a squirrel cloak".  He will take 6 squirrel
skins from your inventory and 30000 coins and give you a Squirrel Fur
Cloak.  Note that if you have less than 6 skins in your inventory he
will take them and you will get nothing.

Bear skins are made by giving a bear corpse to Taradan.  He will
automatically take 5000 coins from you and give you a bear skin.  Bears
are also always found in the Forest section of the area.  One bear will
pop per repop.  They are hiding so have detect_hidden.  Once you have
collected 3 bear skins, go to Taradan's room and "say a bear cloak".  He
will take 3 bear skins from your inventory and 40000 coins and give you
a Bear Fur Cloak.  Note that if you have less than 3 skins in your
inventory he will take them and you will get nothing.

Minotaur skins are made by giving a minotaur corpse to Taradan.  He will
automatically take 10000 coins from you and give you a minotaur skin.
Minotaurs are found in the Tower section of the area.  Two minotaurs
will pop per repop.  The minotaurs are found in a labyrinth underneath
the tower.  To get inside the tower, go 5e from the entrance to a
gargoyle.  Push the gargoyle (note this does not work for AVs!) to lower
a bridge in the room e of the gargoyle.  Cross the bridge and go n to a
guard room where you find a tower key.  Go back south and unlock the
gate.  Proceed all the way east, then open n, n.  Inside this "hidden"
room, op d, d.  Proceed north to enter the tower catacombs.  Inside here
are two minotaurs, both of which can be used to make skins.  It can be
hard to navigate this maze.  I suggest having SCRY and bringing a large
supply of balls of light so you can map it.  Track doesn't really help.
Once you have gotten both minotaur skins, go to Taradan's room and "say
a minotaur cloak".  He will take both skins from your inventory and
50000 coins and give you a Minotaur Fur Cloak.  Note that if you have
only one minotaur skin in your inventory he will take it and you will
get nothing. 

Wyvern skins are made by giving a Wyvern corpse to Grymbald, a mob found
2 e, s of the entrance.  The Wyvern is found in the Tower section of the
area.  One Wyvern pops per repop.  To get inside the tower, go 5e from
the entrance to a gargoyle.  Push the gargoyle (note this does not work
for AVs!) to lower a bridge to the east.  Cross the bridge and go north
for the key to the tower.  Go back south and unlock the gate.  Proceed
all the way east to the stairs.  If you have broach/pick lock/doorbash,
you may continue up the stairs to the Wyvern's lair.  Otherwise, open n,
n, op d, d to the Tower Catacombs underneath the Tower.  In here are two
minotaurs.  One of them (the savage minotaur) has a strange key.  Note -
as long as you are getting this key, you might as well get a minotaur
fur cloak.  Find your way out of the Catacombs and back to the stairway.
Go all the way up.  Use the strange key to unlock the door.  Be aware
that the golems will attack when you open the door.  The door can be
walked through with pass door if you want to avoid them.  Go up and
unlock west to fight the Ancient Wyvern, who drops the Torn Flesh of the
Dragon.  Note that you can unlock w/w/enter after killing the Wyvern to
go to Darkhaven Square.  Grymbald will give you a Wyvern skin.  Give the
Wyvern skin to Taradan for a Wyvern Skin Cloak.

The Mystic Eye of Foresight and the token are found in the Centaur

The Token is earned by destroying 3 targets at the shooting range.  The
shooting range is w, nw of the entrance to the Village.  From here, you
can SCRY n to see a target.  The first target is a bunny.  After you
kill the bunny with arrows/magic missiles a squirrel target will pop,
with slightly more hps.  After killing the squirrel, a deer will pop
with even more hps.  Killing the deer will garner you a token.  Magic
Missile does incredibly little damage.  My mage with 25 int, 22 wis, and
16 lck and adept at Magic Missile needed about 1300 mana to destroy all
three targets.  Arrows are much faster.  Even if you are not a ranger,
you will still hit with arrows occasionally.  You will need 30-40 arrows
to destroy all the targets.  Rangers only need about 10.  Bows and
Arrows are available in various locations around the Realms.  A Gnollish
Longbow can be found in Gauntlet.  Arrows are best gotten by fletching,
you can buy flint from the Rock Guardian in Elemental Canyon and then
kill it for your money back.  Find a nice ranger and bring some blue
potions and have them fletch for you. 

The Mystic Eye of Foresight is gotten using an area pop item.  2w, n of
the entrance to the village there is a mound of dried grass.  A pan
flute pops inside this mound.  After getting the flute, go s, e, s (w, s
of entrance to village) and drop the flute.  Pan will appaar.  Follow
instructions and ask for the gift to receive the mystic eye.  If you ask
to be transported to the home of the gods you will be sent to the
entrance to Olympus.  If you want the spells, you will get av+ sanc and
iceshield and fireshield.
Valley of the Elves and Dunhill Demesnes
Rod of Neutrality

Type - Light
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
Affects - DR +5
Level - around 25 

Elven Quarterstaff 

Type - Weapon (magic bludgeon)
Allowed - All
Weight - 5
Average Damage - 10
Affects - mp +15, HR +5, DR +4
Level - around 12

Bulette Carapace Shield 

Type - Shield
Allowed - All
Weight - 5
AC - 9
Affects - str +1, con +1, wis +1, AC -10, DR +3
Level - 15 

Forked Hazel Twig

Type - Wand
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
Spells - 6 Charges of Level 15 Create Spring
Level - Varies, usually around 20

Sprig of Club Moss

Type - Pill
Weight - 1
Spells - Level 27 Bless, Level 27 Protection
Level - Varies, usually around 20 

Tiny Forest Green Cap

Type - Head
Allowed - Good, Neutral
Weight - 2
AC - 11
Affects - lck +2, aff_by_sneak 

Faerie Trefoil 

Type - Light (extinguishes)
Allowed - Good, Neutral
Weight - 1
Affects - mp -30, lck +3, aff_by_detect_invis
Level - 1

Shepherd's Crook

Type - Weapon (bludgeon)
Allowed -
Weight -
AC -
Affects -
Level - 

Iron Nasal Helm

Type - Helm
Allowed - All
Weight - 3
AC - 8
Affects - wis +1, HR +2, DR +3
Level - 22 lowest

Iron-Tipped Boar Spear

Type - Weapon (nonmagic short blade)
Allowed - All
Weight - 3
Average Damage - 16
Affects - DR +4, HR -3
Level - 16 lowest

Pewter Torque

Type - Neck
Allowed - Good, Neutral, Sorcerer, Fighter, Divinity, Aberrant, Shaman
Weight - 1
AC - 7
Affects - HR +2, mp +20, hp +10, mv +20
Level - 16 lowest  

Leather Vambrace

Type - Wrist
Allowed - All
Weight - 1
AC - 7
Affects - str +1, HR +1, DR +1
Level - 16 lowest 

Quilted Leather Sleeves 

Type - Arms
Allowed - All
Weight - 3
AC - 6
Affects - hp +10, str +1, HR +1, DR +1
Level - 16 lowest

Directions to Valley of the Elves: 

Follow Northern Trade Route to end.  Valley of the Elves is the third to
last stop along the route.  The at the first road sign you see along the
Norther Trade Route after you have entered the Northern Plains, go nw, w
to get to the valley.

The Valley of the Elves can be divided into 2 major sections - The
Valley and the Secret Valley. 

Directions to the Valley from the entrance to the area:

Hide (to avoid aggro sentries), n, w, n, w, 2nw, ne, d 

The Rod of Neutrality is found on Talemon.  Directions to talemon from
the entrance to the Valley section are:

Hide (to avvoid aggro mobs), n, e, n, e, 2n, w, n, w, op w, w, op
hearth, d, s, kill pyrohydra for fiery red key, unlock w, op w, w.  2e
of here is another room with a guardian demon.  In this room there is an
iron chest with many potions and scrolls.  The potions and scrolls are:

a scroll of restoration
a clear potion with swirls of white
a blue potion with swirls of silver
a dark scroll with strange writing
a magenta potion with flecks of silver
a scroll dripping water
a bright red potion with bursts of yellow
a metallic silver potion
a vibrant green potion
a scroll of offense
an ice-blue scroll
an amber potion with wisps of silver

Directions to the Secret Valley from the entrance to the area:

Hide (to avoid aggro sentries), n, w, n, w, 2nw, ne, nw, 2ne, 2nw, ne, d

Found in the Secret Valley are the Elven Quarterstaff and a large number
of potions and scrolls.  The potions and scrolls are:

a scroll tied with red ribbon
a magenta potion with flecks of silver
a minty green potion
a scroll of aiding
a scroll dripping water
a milky pink potion

sw, 2w, s, e from the entrance to the Secret Valley are an aggro Elf
Elder and Elf Elderess.  The Elf Elder has the Elven Quarterstaff and a
small iron key.  Go up and unlock the chest with the small iron key.
The potions and scrolls are found there.

The Dunhill Demesnes can be divided into 3 major sections - The Forest,
The Town, and The Abbey.

Directions to Dunhill from the entrance to the Secret Valley portion of
the Valley of the Elves:

(Hide to avoid aggro mobs) 3w, op nw, 3nw, op nw, nw, n

The Bulette Carapace Shield is popped by the Bulette.  The Bulette is
found between the Secret Valley and Dunhill Demesnes.  It is 3w, op nw,
2nw of the entrance to the Secret Valley.  It is aggressive, but cannot
detect hidden or invis.

The Forest is the majority portion of Dunhill Demesnes.

The Forked Hazel Twig and the Sprig of Club Moss are both bought from
Caornell Glasaldar.  He is n, op branches, 2u, op n, n, w of the

The Tiny Forest Green Cap is found on the Brownies wandering all over
the Forest portion of Dunhill.  Have Detect Hidden, and keep in mind
that they steal.

Faerie Trefoils are area pops.  They can be found in two spots in the
Forest Section:

n, ne, e of entrance.
n, ne, 2se of entrance

Shepherd's Crooks are found on Shepherds.  They can be found in a fenced
off area in the Forest Section, near the town:

There is a small man named Dalach who will recharge wands/staves.  He is
found at:

n, nw, n, 3nw, s, w, op gate, 2u, op w, w, up

He is not always there, but if he is you can "repair" wands or staves to
recharge them.

Directions to Dunhill Town from entrance to Dunhill Demesnes: 

n, nw, n, 3nw, w, nw, nw

Various guards around the town have Iron Tipped Boar Spears and Pewter

from the entrance to the town, 2w, n, op w, w is Lir's House.  Search
here for a box.  Kill Lir (north) for the key.  Unlock the box you found
to get a key.  Use that key to unlock the chest in the room.  Inside the
chest is the chunk of purple quartz.

How to get to Dunhill Abbey:

Incomplete for now.  I know how, I'm just too lazy to write it all out
right now :P.

Dragon Tower
Object 'a small rock covered with moss' is a trash.
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 0, and level is 1.

Object 'a locket of hair' is a trash.
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 0, and level is 1.

Object 'a monocle of foresight' is an armor, with wear location:  eyes
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 2, value is 1500, and level is 20.
Armor class is 8.
Affects affected_by by scrying

Object 'a black staff' is a staff, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  glow
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
Its weight is 25, value is 75000, and level is 42.
Has 3(3) charges of level 29 'energy drain'. 

Object 'a cyan potion' is a potion.
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 40000, and level is 43.
Level 31 spells of: 'blindness' 'harm'. 

Object 'a diamond brooch' is an armor, with wear location:  neck
Special properties:  magic
Its weight is 2, value is 10000, and level is 43.
Armor class is 4.
Affects mana by 25.

Object 'a holy symbol' is an armor, with wear location:  neck hold
Special properties:  glow nodrop noremove
Its weight is 2, value is 50000, and level is 34.
Armor class is 4.
Affects mana by 15.

Object 'a platinum bracelet' is an armor, with wear location:  wrist
Special properties:  glow
Its weight is 5, value is 50000, and level is 34.
Armor class is 4.
Affects save vs poison by -2.
Affects save vs paralysis by -2.
Affects intelligence by 2.
Affects wisdom by 1. 

Object 'a white silk belt' is an armor, with wear location:  waist
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 4, value is 10000, and level is 33.
Armor class is 4.
Affects strength by 2.
Affects mana by 10.

Object 'a runic scroll' is a scroll, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  magic
Its weight is 1, value is 5000, and level is 33.
Level 30 spells of: 'armor' 'protection' 'shield'.

Object 'a magenta potion' is a potion.
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 2000, and level is 33.
Level 30 spells of: 'cure critical' 'protection'. 

Object 'the Sigil Cura' is a wand, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  glow hum evil magic
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
Its weight is 10, value is 0, and level is 35.
Has 10(10) charges of level 35 'cure blindness'.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects strength by -2.
Affects intelligence by -1.
Affects mana by 15.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects hit roll by 2.

Object 'a luxurious fur cloak' is an armor, with wear location:  about
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 5, value is 25000, and level is 22.
Armor class is 6.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects hp by 15.
Affects intelligence by 1.
Affects strength by 1.

Object 'a crested shield' is an armor, with wear location:  shield
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 20, value is 100000, and level is 23.
Armor class is 8.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects hp by 5.
Affects constitution by 2.
Affects damage roll by 3.

Object 'a pair of spiked gauntlets' is an armor, with wear location:
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 6, value is 50000, and level is 22.
Armor class is 3.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects hp by 5.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Affects hit roll by 1.
Affects strength by 1.

Object 'an emerald sword' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 12, value is 200000, and level is 23.
Damage is 3 to 18 (average 10).
Affects damage roll by 3.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects charisma by 1.

Object 'a dragon skin bracelet' is an armor, with wear location:  wrist
Special properties:  magic
Its weight is 4, value is 40000, and level is 19.
Armor class is 5.
Affects armor class by -10.
Affects hp by 5.
Affects strength by 1.

Object 'a plain black robe' is an armor, with wear location:  about
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 3, value is 50000, and level is 19.
Armor class is 5.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Affects hp by 15.

Object 'a black silk belt' is an armor, with wear location:  waist
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 3, value is 10000, and level is 19.
Armor class is 6.
Affects constitution by 2.
Affects charisma by 1.
Affects luck by 1.
Affects hp by 10.

Object 'a golden dagger' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 1, value is 40000, and level is 19.
Damage is 3 to 15 (average 9).
Affects intelligence by 1.
Affects wisdom by 1.
Affects damage roll by 4.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects mana by 20. 

Object 'a dragon tailed whip' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  glow hum
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
Its weight is 14, value is 180000, and level is 29.
Damage is 4 to 20 (average 12).
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects mana by 15.
Affects dexterity by -1.
Affects damage roll by 3.
Affects hit roll by 4.
Affects hp by 25.

Object 'an ancient diamond brooch' is an armor, with wear location:
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 3, value is 225000, and level is 30.
Armor class is 4.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects save vs spell by -3.
Affects mana by 25.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects intelligence by 1.

Object 'the Helm of Dragonkind' is an armor, with wear location:  head
Special properties:  magic
Its weight is 8, value is 120000, and level is 24.
Armor class is 5.
Affects armor class by -10.
Affects hp by 15.
Affects mana by 15.
Affects damage roll by 1.
Affects hit roll by 1.
Affects strength by -1.
Affects intelligence by 1.

Object 'a golden wand' is a wand, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  glow
Its weight is 5, value is 10000, and level is 24.
Has 9(9) charges of level 24 'dispel magic'. 

Object 'the Staff of the Dragon' is a staff, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 5, value is 10000, and level is 17.
Has 10(10) charges of level 26 'call lightning'.

Object 'a stone club' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  magic
Classes allowed: none
Genres allowed: fighter shaman
Its weight is 12, value is 7500, and level is 18.
Damage is 3 to 15 (average 9).
Affects damage roll by 4.
Affects hit roll by 4.
Affects hp by 20.

Object 'a dragon's tooth knife' is a weapon, with wear location:  wield
Special properties:  none
Alignments allowed: good neutral
Its weight is 3, value is 300000, and level is 30.
Damage is 9 to 36 (average 22).
Affects save vs breath by -4.
Affects dexterity by 1.
Affects hp by 40.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects damage roll by 5. 

Object 'a set of dragon scale sleeves' is an armor, with wear location:
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 12, value is 30000, and level is 30.
Armor class is 7.
Affects armor class by -5.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects damage roll by 2.

Object 'a pair of dragon skin gloves' is an armor, with wear location:
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 5, value is 200000, and level is 30.
Armor class is 6.
Affects dexterity by 2.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects hp by 20.
Affects armor class by -20.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Object 'a silver staff' is a staff, with wear location:  hold
Special properties:  glow magic
Its weight is 5, value is 10000, and level is 20.
Has 19(19) charges of level 26 'faerie fog'.

Object 'a copper ring' is an armor, with wear location:  finger
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 100000, and level is 18.
Armor class is 1.
Affects wisdom by 2.
Affects damage roll by 1.
Affects hp by 10.

Object 'white scale mail' is an armor, with wear location:  body
Special properties:  glow magic
Classes allowed: none
Genres allowed: sorcerer fighter aberrant shaman
Its weight is 20, value is 100000, and level is 17.
Armor class is 8.
Affects armor class by -15.
Affects save vs spell by -4.
Affects intelligence by -1.
Affects wisdom by -1.
Affects hp by 25.
Affects hit roll by 3.
Affects damage roll by 4.

Object 'a snow-white opal' is a treasure.
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 1, value is 0, and level is 10.

Object 'leggings of dark dragonscale' is an armor, with wear location:
Special properties:  evil magic
Its weight is 15, value is 180000, and level is 19.
Armor class is 7.
Affects armor class by -14.
Affects moves by 50.
Affects constitution by 1.
Affects damage roll by 2.

Object 'a scorched, pitted scroll' is a scroll.
Special properties:  hum dark evil
Its weight is 2, value is 0, and level is 22.
Level 28 spells of: 'acid blast'.

Object 'a diamond ring' is an armor, with wear location:  finger
Special properties:  none
Its weight is 6, value is 50000, and level is 37.
Armor class is 4.
Affects hit roll by 3.
Affects damage roll by 3.

Object 'a piece of time everlasting' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 1 treasure, weight 2.
Locations it can be worn:  wrist hold
Special properties:  none
This treasure has a gold value of 500.
Note - Examine the piece of time for a chance of a room prog that will 
tell you the current mudtime.

Directions to Dragon Tower:

13s, 2e, 2u, w, sw, w, sw, 2d, sw, 4s, sw, e, 2u, e, u, 2s, se, 2d, 3se,
s, w, 3s, sw, 8s, 3w, sw, w, u, s, 2e, 2se, 2s, sw, 2nw, 3w, sw, w, sw,
se, sw

Note that this leads to a "back entrance."

At the end of the directions, you find an Escaped Human Slave.  Nod to
the slave to receive a small rock covered with moss.  Go south to enter
a room with a locked door to the SW.  This door is
pickable/broachable/pass door. Upon entering this room go west
into the Black Hallway.  Sit on the bench to create "a tiny key" which
opens the door you just came through (keyword secret).  Give the rock to
the slave for a locket of hair.  If the slave isn't there, look around
on the first floor.  If you give the rock to a slave other than that
one, they will drop it on the ground.  Return east and go ne through the
secret.  Give the locket of hair to the slave who gave you the rock, and
she will give you a Crystal Lens.

Return to the Black Hallway.  Go north and up to the second floor.  Go
south to the Room of the Ancients.  You can pass door through the east
and west doors, or unlock them with the white and black keys (gotten
later).  In the east room is an (Invis) mage.  Kill it for a black
staff, a cyan potion, and a diamond brooch.  In the west room is
the Holy Draconian.  Kill it for a holy symbol, a platinum bracelet, a
white silk belt, a runic scroll, a magenta potion, and the Sigil Cura.

From the Room of the Ancients, go 2s to the Draconian King.  Kill it for
a luxurious fur cloak, a crested shield, a pair of spiked gauntlets, and
an emerald sword, and (probably what you actually want) a tarnished gold

To the east of the King is the Draconian Queen.  Kill her for the dragon
skin bracelet, a plain black robe, a black silk belt, and a golden

Return to the Black Hallway on the first floor.  Go East and South to
The Great Hall Ends.  Unlock south with your gold key to gain access to
the Ancient Green Dragon.  Kill it for the green key, a dragon tailed
whip, and an ancient diamond brooch.

Return to the Black Hallway.  Open oak and go west to the Storage Room.
Open crack (which there are NO clues to at all) to go south.  Go south
again to find the Great Red Dragon.  Kill it for the red key, the Helm
of Dragonkind, and a golden wand.

Unlock down with your red key, and go down to find the Great Blue
Dragon.  Kill it for the blue key, the Staff of the Dragon, and a stone

Unlock vault with your blue key to go north, then unlock north again to
gain entrance to the Crypt.  Go 2 east to find the (Invis)(Hide) Dragon
Master.  Kill him for a dragon's tooth knife, a stone key, a set of
dragon scale sleeves, and a pair of dragon skin gloves.

Go South into the wine cellar.  Dig south to find an exit (this might
take a while, even if you have dig adepted).  Through here, go s, w, n
to find the Great White Dragon.  Kill it for the silver staff, a copper
ring, and the white key.  Note that if the killing blow is struck by a
non-av, you will pop a White Scale Mail (which is really good).  Note
that sometimes you will pop a snow-white opal instead.  I don't know why
this is, I suspect it is an IP check (you can only have 1 char logged to
get the White Scale Mail).

Return to the Crypt Ends (where the Dragon Master was).  Unlock the
coffin with the stone key.  Go north and two west.  Note that after the
first west, there is a DT down from you.  Go up the Tower Spire.  At the
top, go east to the Courtyard.  Go east and two down to find the Great
Black Dragon, the last of the 5 children of Tiamat (Green, Red, Blue,
White, Black).  Kill it for the black key, leggings of dark dragonscale,
and a scorched, pitted, scroll.  Return to the Courtyard.

From the courtyard, go south.  During the day, you can go to a Naos of
Z'Hyal to the east.  During the night, you can go to a Naos of Gre'Vos
to the west.  Unlock south with your green key to get to Tiamat.  Kill
her for the Diamond Ring.

After killing Tiamat, search in her room to find a piece of time

Thanks to Uzziel/Nagisa for telling me about the piece of time

Bartok's Grove - Just Dragon Temple
Object 'dragon's gloves' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 15 armor, weight 4.
Locations it can be worn:  hands
Special properties:  glow hum
Alignments allowed:  good neutral
This armor has a gold value of 1500.
Armor class is 8.
Affects constitution by 1.
Affects wisdom by 1.
Affects strength by 2.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Affects hit roll by 3.

I don't have stats for the rest, but Dragon's Gloves is the only one
worth getting anyway.

Directions: 6w, 2sw, 5w, s

From here, go 2s, w to Bartok Souvenirs.  The shopkeeper here is hiding,
so have occu on.  From him, buy (at least) 2 statuettes, a scarf, and a
corkscrew.  Go e, n, w to the vineyards, and navigate the maze to the
temple ruins.  Hold one of the statuettes (this destroys it) to open a
path down.  Enter the temple. 

In order to get to the Man-Dragon, you will require belladonna and bay
leaves.  There's 2 ways to get them, one is to go to Thalos and kill
druids in holy grove.  The other way is to go through the puzzles to the
east and west of the entrance of the temple, which I will detail now.

First, belladonna.  Go west to the Tapestry of power.  Say spells to
open a path west, to the Shrine of Friendship.  Say treasure to open a
path north, to the Statue For Protection.  Say armor to open a path east
to the Tribute to Life.  Say weapon to recieve belladonna and be sent
back to the entrance to the temple.  You can do this as often as you

Next, bay leaves.  Go east to the Offer of Power.  Sac a potion or pill
(belladonna works fine for this) to open a path east to the Offer of
Frienship.  Sac a treasure (I suggest the 2nd statuette you bought) to
open a path north to the Offer of Protection.  Sac an armor (I suggest
the scarf you bought) to open a path west to the Offer of Life.  Sac a
weapon (I suggest the corkscrew you bought) to pop bay leaves and open a
path sw back to the entrance.

Now that you have both bay leaves and belladonna, go deeper into the
temple.  Go s, 3w, 3e, 3e, 2n, 2e to the Bowl of the First Offering.
There should be a bowl on the ground here, it is an area pop.  Put
belladonna in the bowl, and it will disappear.  Go w, s to the Bowl of
the Second Offering.  After you put belladonna in the first bowl, there
should be a bowl in this room.  Put bay leaves in the bowl, and this
bowl will disappear.  Go back north, and there should now be a path to
the southwest.  Enter, and you will find the Man-Dragon.

The Man-Dragon is a peaceful mob, you will not be able to kill him.
However, he will give you an item if you say yes.  What item you get
depends on what you have currently equipped.  He checks 4 item slots:
Hold, Weapon, Head, and Hands (I think in that order).  If he finds a
slot empty, he will give you an item for that slot.  So, if you are dual
wielding, you will get Dragon's Rod since you have no hold.  So, if you
want Dragon's Gloves, you must have a weapon, be holding something, have
a helm, and not have any gloves on.  If all 4 slots are filled, he will
give you bay leaves.  In any case, after you get an item, he will
transport you back to the entrance to the temple.

That's all the important bits of Bartok's Grove.  There's more stuff,
but nothing useful or interesting (AFAIK at least).