A double chainmail hauberk
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A heavy mail shirt lies here on the ground.
Object 'a double chainmail hauberk' is infused with your magic... It is a level 32 armor, weight 25. Locations it can be worn: body Special properties: metal Genres allowed: fighter divinity aberrant shaman Alignments allowed: good neutral This armor is layerable. This armor has a gold value of 25000. Armor class is 9 of 9. Affects constitution by 2. Affects hp by 20. Affects save vs spell by -5. Affects armor class by -5.
- Mob: Squire Kienan
- Area: The Dunhill Demesnes
- Pop: No
- Manufactured: Unknown
- Out of Game: Unknown
- Minimum Level: Unknown
- Maximum Level: Unknown
- Known keywords: Unknown