Animate dead

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  ||:|  -= Animate Dead =-       |:                             |:||
  ||:|                           |: After a mobile has been     |:||
  ||:|                           |: killed, the magic user has  |:||
  ||:| Syntax:                   |: the ability to animate the  |:||
  ||:|                           |: corpse of the recently      |:||
  ||:|cast 'animate dead' victim |: deceased mob. The mob will  |:||
  ||:|                           |: be animated for a short     |:||
  ||:|                           |: period of time. The undead  |:||
  ||:|                           |: can only exist in the living|:||
  ||:|                           |: realm temporarily before    |:||
  ||:|                           |: it must return to the       |:||
  ||:|                           |: underworld.                 |:||
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