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Blorin, the master engraver, putters about his shop.


  • Area: Town Hall
  • Status: Neutral
  • Race: Halfling
  • Class: Craftsman
  • Level Range: 55 - 60


Wearing a simple beige tunic and breeches, Blorin is covered in tiny scraps
and fine metallic powder. His dark eyes tend towards squinting, from the years
of fine detail work, and his curling auburn hair is streaked with grey. He
engraves with the fine, steady hand of an artist, taking great pride in his


  • zMUD: e;s;s;e



Unknown coins


Ring Engraving

Can engrave rings if you have a marriage license

  . +--------------------------------------------------------------+
  . |                                                              |
  . |  ENTWINED - 30m - Entwined Forever - YOURNAME & LOVENAME     |
  . |  BOND     - 30m - The Bond of YOURNAME and LOVENAME's Love   |
  . |  DEVOTION - 25m - YOURNAME's Love and Devotion               |
  . |  CHAINS   - 25m - Twisted Chains of YOURNAME's Heart         |
  . |  WHISPERS - 20m - Whispers of YOURNAME's Love                |
  . |  HEART    - 20m - A tiny piece of YOURNAME's Heart           |
  . |  UNHOLY   - 20m - YOURNAME's Unholy Eternal Pledge           |
  . |  SOUL     - 15m - YOURNAME's Heart and Soul                  |
  . |  BELOVED  - 15m - YOURNAME's Beloved                         |
  . |  PROMISE  - 10m - YOURNAME's chintzy promise ring            |
  . |                                                              |
  . |  For rings with LOVENAME, the one you love must be present   |
  . |                                                              |
  . +--------------------------------------------------------------+

Lowbie Quests

Has lowbie quests that provide gear and experience during the levelling journey!