Captain Mandor

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  • ZMud: nw;#2 w;#4 n;e;look painting;open n;n;#23 w;#8 n;#2 e;open e;e;open e;e;open n;#5 n;#3 w;open w;w;open s;s;open s;s
  • MUSHClient: #(nw) 2w 4n e (look painting) (open n) n 23w 8n 2e (open e) e (open e) e (open n) 5n 3w (open w) w (open s) s (open s) s
  • General: nw, 2w, 4n, e, look painting, open n, n, 23w, 8n, 2e, open e, e, open e, e, open n, 5n, 3w, open w, w, open s, s, open s, s


Captain Mandor is an older, but very powerful man. His shiny steel armor
seems to glow as it reflects the light, and the crest of the town of Solace
is displayed with pride on his chestplate. The gold crest of two coins
seems to match the wealth of this town.


Run Instructions

Protective Spells


Mandor, like Nelson, will disarm the tank and try to sacrifice the weapons. You do not want this to happen. The prog works on keywords - if your weapon has the keyword "sword", "spear", "blade", "club", "mace" or "dagger", it will get sacrificed. Common safe weapons include the Maul of Stone, the tarrasque's Horn, the Rod of Divinity, a dragon fang, Lifebane and darkness. Mandor disarms and sometimes gouges, so the tank might need trues to be safe. On the other hand, don't disarm him, he does more damage. Mandor is immune to all magic attacks, except magic missile and abolition.