Cascading heal

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||:|  -= Cascading Heal =-      |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|  Syntax:                   |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: This is a ward type of spell, |:||
||:|                            |: meaning the caster must be in |:||
||:| c 'cascading heal'         |: the same room for it to       |:||
||:|                            |: continue to work. Using a     |:||
||:|                            |: cascading heal, a Cleric can  |:||
||:|                            |: cast a healing spell each     |:||
||:|                            |: round on a particular target. |:||
||:|                            |: This spell may only be cast   |:||
||:|                            |: by Clerics following the      |:||
||:|                            |: Amnis Umbra Deity grouping.   |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: The Cleric must be in good    |:||
||:|                            |: standing with their Deity to  |:||
||:|                            |: cast this spell.              |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: See also: help ward and aura  |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
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