Category:Druid Skills

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Level 1

 Skill:                 cook    Max: 95   MinPos: resting
 Skill:        evasive style    Max: 75   MinPos: any
 Skill:       standard style    Max: 80   MinPos: any
Weapon:            bludgeons    Max: 95   MinPos: any
Weapon:        flexible arms    Max: 30   MinPos: any
Weapon:          long blades    Max: 50   MinPos: any
Weapon:             pugilism    Max: 90   MinPos: any
Weapon:         short blades    Max: 30   MinPos: any
Weapon:        talonous arms    Max: 70   MinPos: any

Level 2

 Spell:            starlight    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Skill:                  dig    Max: 90   MinPos: standing
 Skill:                mount    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Skill:               strike    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)

Level 3

 Spell:          create food    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:         create water    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Skill:               forage    Max: 70   MinPos: standing

Level 4

 Spell:           wind storm    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting

Level 5

 Spell:           dall loisg    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (berserk)
 Spell:             ioc beag    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:             ioc dall    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (defensive)
 Spell:   oaken consecration    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting

Level 6

 Spell:          create fire    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:                float    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:          infravision    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Skill:                  aid    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)
 Skill:                climb    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Skill:                 kick    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (berserk)
 Skill:               search    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 7

 Spell:              refresh    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Skill:     aggressive style    Max: 75   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)
 Skill:      enhanced damage    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (berserk)

Level 8

 Spell:           earthquake    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:         ioc puinsean    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Skill:          gather wood    Max: 70   MinPos: standing

Level 9

 Spell:      control weather    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Spell:                  fly    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:             puinsean    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Spell:             wisteria    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting

Level 10

 Spell:                ciall    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:        create spring    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:                invis    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 11

 Spell:                 dion    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:          ioc abhbhal    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting

Level 12

 Spell:       call lightning    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:          nadur ciall    Max: 95   MinPos: resting

Level 13

 Spell:        faic puinsean    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Spell:             fireball    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:             identify    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:        locate object    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)

Level 14

 Spell:         dispel magic    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:            nuadhaich    Max: 90   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:         remove invis    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 15

 Spell:       lightning bolt    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (defensive)
 Spell:               weaken    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)
 Skill:                 scan    Max: 60   MinPos: standing
 Skill:        second attack    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (berserk)
 Skill:                swipe    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting

Level 16

 Spell:       ceangail nadur    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)
 Spell:          flamestrike    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (defensive)
 Spell:         sylvan shell    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting

Level 17

 Spell:        asgaidh nadur    Max: 85   MinPos: standing
 Spell:                dream    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Skill:      defensive style    Max: 80   MinPos: any
 Skill:                sneak    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 18

 Spell:          aqua breath    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Spell:           hail storm    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (defensive)
 Skill:                spurn    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (berserk)

Level 19

 Spell:          fire breath    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:              slainte    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)

Level 20

 Spell:          luths nadur    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting
 Spell:           mass invis    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Spell:       word of recall    Max: 95   MinPos: resting
 Skill:             meditate    Max: 95   MinPos: resting
 Skill:               rescue    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (berserk)
 Skill:                stalk    Max: 95   MinPos: standing (pkill only)

Level 21

 Skill:               disarm    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)

Level 24

 Spell:               ceoban    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)

Level 25

 Spell:            iceshield    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)

Level 26

 Spell:            ice storm    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting

Level 28

 Skill:        berserk style    Max: 45   MinPos: fighting (defensive)

Level 29

 Spell:       charged beacon    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (defensive)

Level 30

 Spell:           nadur dion    Max: 95   MinPos: standing
 Skill:                snare    Max: 80   MinPos: standing
 Skill:         third attack    Max: 90   MinPos: fighting (berserk)

Level 31

 Spell:     organic infusion    Max: 80   MinPos: any

Level 32

 Spell:           depuinsean    Max: 75   MinPos: standing
 Spell:      sgorr craiceann    Max: 75   MinPos: standing

Level 34

 Spell:                sleep    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 35

 Spell:           fireshield    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)
 Spell:          forest walk    Max: 90   MinPos: standing
 Skill:                track    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 38

 Spell:       abrar beathach    Max: 70   MinPos: standing

Level 39

 Skill:           two handed    Max: 25   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)

Level 40

 Skill:                parry    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)

Level 41

 Spell:           fire storm    Max: 80   MinPos: fighting (defensive)

Level 44

 Spell:          shockshield    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)

Level 45

 Skill:        fourth attack    Max: 65   MinPos: fighting (berserk)

Level 46

 Skill:                 hide    Max: 95   MinPos: standing

Level 47

 Spell:       dance of vines    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (evasive)

Level 48

 Spell:          firinn faic    Max: 45   MinPos: standing

Level 49

 Spell:         manadh taosg    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive) (pkill only)
 Spell:          sylvan mist    Max: 85   MinPos: standing

Level 50

 Spell:      boannaich nadur    Max: 90   MinPos: standing
 Spell:           dorn nadur    Max: 90   MinPos: fighting
 Skill:                dodge    Max: 95   MinPos: fighting (aggressive)