Deadly player
Deadly (Help File)
A 'Deadly' character is one who has chosen to follow the path of the player killer (pkill). This choice is usually made when first entering the Realms, though you may also become deadly by requesting an Immortal to set you as pkill. A deadly character may never return to the peaceful way of life. Unless in an arena, deadly players are ONLY permitted to attack other deadly players. A period of grace is granted to deadly characters between their entry into the Realms and the time when they must be prepared to defend themselves. A pkiller does not appear on the 'who deadly' list until reaching level 5 and 18 years of age. Until this time, they may not engage in pkill activities. Multiplay, which includes a character appearing on the 'who deadly' list, is not allowed under any circumstances. A shared IP is no exception. Equipment worn by deadly players in player versus player (pvp) combat will not scrap, but may still be damaged and require repair. When a deadly dies in pvp combat, they become subject to a 5 minute timer that renders them unable to attack or be attacked. This timer clears if the character logs off. Corpses of those killed in pvp may be looted of up to 1 item by the player who struck the killer blow. Deadly characters level at a faster rate, quaff faster and inflict greater pvp damage. However, they are also subject to an adrenaline rush during combat that affects their ability to recall. They are also subject to restrictions on supplicate while adrenalized and if trying to retrieve a corpse.
General Directions
The Umbrageous Ruins (PK Town)
PK Town Map (The Umbrageous Ruins)
Accessible via help pkmap
Pkill Areas
Author | Area | Directions | |
Malakai | An abandoned mine | <Plaza> #4 n;#2 w;#2 n;nw;ne;#2 e;n;d;#2 n;d;#3 n;e;#3 n;#2 e;#2 n;ne | |
Shargate | Fallen Graces | <Plaza> #4 n;#2 w;s | |
Malakai | Grimoire | <Gravoc> s;e;#4 d;sw;e;d;n;d;e;n;#2 e (also known as plaza) | |
Malakai | Isle of the Savrathi | Accessable through Pass of the Mourned. | |
Malakai | Pass of the Mourned | <Plaza> #4 n;#2 e;n;d;n;ne;n;e;ne;e;n;d;#2 n;nw;#4 n | |
Malakai | Temple of the Laughing God | <Worthless Beggar> say the temple | |
Malakai | The Alluvrian Moors | <Worthless Beggar> say the moors | |
Vortok | The Isle of Nethescuros | <Gravoc> e;#2 n | |
Ahzul | The Land of the Lost | <Plaza> #5 w;nw;w;u;sw;d;#2 w;sw;s;w;d;#2 w;n | |
Versetch | The Lotus Sanctuary | <Gravoc> #2 s;#6 e;s;#2 e;ne;se;e;#3 se | |
Tocchet | The Umbrageous Ruins | <PK Town> Recall | |
Malakai | Tomb of the Sleeping Demon | <Worthless Beggar> say the tomb | |
Ahriman | Tower of Lithos | <Gravoc> e;#3 n;#2 nw;sw;#2 nw;w;sw;nw;n | |
Gatersade | Graveyard of the Gods | <Gravoc> #2 s;#6 e;s;e;#2 s;se;s;se;e;s;se;#3 s;se (Alt Path: s;s;s;s;s;open gate;s;w;s;e;s;s;s;se;se;ne;e;n;ne;e;open e;e;ne;ne;se) | |
Gatersade | Sailing on the Black Opal | <Gravoc> #5 s;open s;s;w;s;e;#3 s;#2 se;ne;e;n;ne;e;open e;e;#2 ne;#3 n;ne;#2 s;#2 se;e;se;w;say Scry or Scan for A large, wooden pirate ship... |
Deadly Clans
Status | Name | Area | Direction |
Active | Anarchs | - | - |
Active | Ombra | Merciless Greed | <Gravoc> e;#3 n;#2 nw;#2 sw;s;w;d |
Active | Mortiferis | Temple of Shadows | <Gravoc> #4 s;open s;s;w;s;e;#3 s;sw;#2 w;#2 nw;n;2w;s |
Maleficae | Hellish Plane of the Maleficae | <Plaza> #4 n;#2 e;n;d;n;ne;n;e;ne;e;n;d;#2 n;ne;e;ne;#2 n;e;#5 n;d;#3 n;d;s | |
Catarrh | Dark Temple of the Catarrh | <Plaza> #5 s;d;#2 s;d;se;s;se;e;#2 s | |
Feralis | Ravaged Citadel of the Feralis | <Plaza> #4 n;#2 w;#2 n;nw;ne;#2 e;n;d;#2 n;d;#3 n;e;#3 n;#5 e;s | |
Excordis | Dungeons de l'Excordis | <Plaza> #2 e;#2 s;#2 e;d;#2 e;se;e;d;ne;e;se;s;d;#2 s;e;s |
Leveling Guide
Suggested Levelling Areas
Suggested leveling areas - where to gain levels optimally
Useful Terminology
Golding Guide
Below is intended as a guide for solo players / deadlies to progress via golding:
Fixed Economy Gold:
Coral Depths - (Kill Maerdei for 100% drop key to Neptunes Throne, Treasure rooms above Mersquare)
Olympus - Various Mobs
Elemental Canyon - Earth/Wind/etc Ruler equipment to midas
Darkhaven Art Gallery - Icingdeath equipment to midas
Mithril Hall - Regis, Drizzt, Artermis, Guenhwyvar, Wulgar, etc equipment to midas
Darkhaven Art Gallery - Spectrum mob equipment to midas
Mob Run Gold:
The Southern Mountain Trade Route - Various mobs
The Mountain of Lost Souls - Khiurn'hai
Varying Economy (Varying Reliability):
Mithril Hall - Mithril Hall mobs/Shadow mobs near Shimmergloom
Coral Depths - Crab Guards, Eels
Redferne's Residence - Harpy, Hill Giant, Witch, etc
Northern Plains - Shaman
Kontaur - Drakes
Cursed Lands - Logan, etc
Blasted Lands - Tautons
Tree of Life - Various mobs
Additional Notes:
Also dig/search equipment can be lucrative - try SMR
The Umbrageous Ruins:
- A pinch of sanative herb - Casts cure and refresh, but is consumed and not quaffed like carafe's ( Resurrection carafe / Restoration carafe ) and therefore not restricted to quaff limitations.
- Swirling charcoal potion - Casts Sanctuary - must carry, always have sanc on
- fiery-green potion - Casts Eldritch Sphere - must carry, have eldritch on as often as possible
- a rune-inscribed crystal / a rune-inscribed pill - Casts recall - must carry
- a sizzling orange potion - Casts fly, always have fly on
- Decanter of truth - Casts true sight, situational
- A wanderer's satchel - ideal PK giant container
- Create spring scrolls - needed for quaffing potions if full.
Darkhaven Town Hall:
- Balm of crushed salvia leaves - Casts detect hidden
- An icicle staff - create spring alternative (increased lag for this option, not recommended once create spring scrolls are available)
Mithril Hall:
- A flask of gutbuster - Casts heal with cure poison and remove curse
Double/Triple Heals:
- Caeduceus herbs - pill
- Ambrosia - align restricted
- polar bear fat - triple cure
- The Glyph of Creation - double heal scroll with cure blind
- The apple of life - pill
- an elixir of life - triple
Utility Gear of Note
Vision gear:
- a short stub of a candle - low level detect invis and detect hidden item
- a monocle of foresight - low level scry item
Mobility Gear:
- a brightly coloured kite - low level fly item, Plate of the clouds high level alternative
- A magical flying carpet - gives fly on magic word, replaced by A flying broom at level 40.
- A multifaceted diamond earring - low level float item from starting area
Levelling Spells:
- fillet of trout florentine - casts ogre might, consumable
- a shiny trinket - casts sagacity
Spell Effects:
- A swirled collar - casts armor
- a lump of decaying flesh - casts flesh armor, consumable
- Playername's pouch of magic soil - casts stone skin
- The runecape - fireshield at low level
- A mantle with a star shaped emblem - casts bless, alternative saying blessing at Sonoria in Darkhaven, class restricted an elven rune sword
- A thick piece of lizard hide - casts inner warmth for non-pixie, non-lizardmen
- Shield of the Valkyrie - Casts Sanctuary
- A round, blue stone - casts shockshield
Other Utility:
- a moldy pillow - creates a flea used for fixing alignment issues
- a thick bun - useful/situational food item to improve thirst, consumable
- The ancient amulet of dispersal - Dispel magic item
Lowbie Deadly Gears
As a deadly, you can wear both peaceful and deadly equipments.
Level 0 - A shadowed lantern - 1con, 1dex, 1str, detect hidden Level 10 - A set of hooked leggings - 10ac, 1hr, 1dr, 2con, 2str, 1dex
Early Leveling Gear of Note
Level 2+
- A shadowed lantern - Buy Item from Grimoire
- a pair of diamond earrings - good earrings at lvl 2. Replaced at level 20.
- Playername's engraved silver helm - good helm at level 2 and easy quest to get, gets replaced quickly though at about lvl 10.
Level 10+
- a pair of dancing slippers - Level 10 quest at Farsel -> good wearable to level 35+.
- a set of hooked leggings - Manufactured item from Grimoire, lesser peaceful player alternative is eltor-hide leggings.
- a silver pendant - 3 Wis per slot -> max wis for faster levelling
- a white robe - 50 AC on about (2x multiplier for about), combine with full armor set including A pair of translucent sylph wings, the fur from a raccoon or an ancient mask and An iridescent circlet of scales to create cheap 300AC untouchable from levelling mobs up to about lvl 30.
- bands of power - low AC (likes to scrap, particularly after A white robe is replaced) but stats make it worth wearing to at least lvl 30's due to Con and HR/DR.
- an oar - high average damage - gets replaced at 30's, alternative the jaguar claw for those that can wear it at low levels for stats.
Level 20+
- Neptune's Trident may provide more desirable stats at lvl 18 than an oar.
- a rampaging gryphon(One pearl) - Lacks the class and alignment restriction of A gryphon etched ear cuff and takes one less pearl to make.
- a gryphon etched ear cuff is better for those that can wear it.
- a chipped hammer
- the long lost ring of Leviathan
- the Fingers' Finger
- scarf of the Death Dealers
- claws of the Owobiela River crocodile
- a pair of stone cleats
- a red silk cummerbund
- Sovereignty
- a pair of gryphon hide sleeves
Level 30+
- Playername's chimera cloak - Replacement for A white robe at level 30.
- an amazon spear - Weapon replacement at 30's, alternative is a pair of sai for HR.
- An ancient sword enscribed with the name Aristeide, an ivory-handled pocketknife and Soulslayer are weapon options at level 40.
Level 40+
Avatar Deadly Gears
Specific Avatar Deadly Gear Spreadsheet
Lobster Bisque's Avatar PK Gear
Bone Equipment
Bernardo sells a fullset of 'Bone Gear' in a bag which provides a baseline equipment set for deadly avatars in a pinch. This equipment purges on death.
PK Avatar Equipment
Standard PK Avatar Equipment Loadout
Wiki Link to Deadly Specific Equipment
Category:Pkill Items
When a deadly dies in pvp combat, they become subject to a 5 minute timer that renders them unable to attack or be attacked. This timer clears if the character logs off. Corpses of those killed in pvp may be looted of up to 1 item by the player who struck the killer blow.
Loot Table
Current as of January 10, 2021:
The below items are flagged as lootable.
- Apocalyptic Visions
- Illusions of the Coryphee
- Violent Death
- Apotheosis
- Boots of the Undead
- Disorder
- Leggings of Divine Redemption
- Glowing Orbs of Power
- Shadow Guan Dao
- torch of the Beast
- a blood-covered, serrated dagger
- a gold, skull ring
- a crucifix crested ring
- Crystal Sceptre of the Covenant
- the Divine Hammer of Justice
- Arachnophobia
- the Spoils of War and Thievery
- Aura of Light and Faith
- Aura of Demonic Atrocities
- bracer of the Elder Gods
- Purificare
- Gauntlets of Clan Dominance
Per PKNews 193 (In-game) Clan objects are now lootable
Other Useful Links
- Excordis – Clan website with useful tips.