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Dexterity, DEX in your 'score', represents your character's agility and physical skill. Dexterity is very important for quaffing potions and eating pills during combat. High dexterity will allow a character to quaff or eat without dropping many potions or pills during the heat of battle. Poor dexterity will causes a character to accidentally drop vials or trample pills before they can be consumed. Among other things, dexterity affects: > The maximum number of items a character can carry at once in their inventory - with each additional point of dexterity, additional items may be carried > Each additional point of dexterity lowers, or improves, a character's natural armor class > The number of new moves received each time a character levels as well as the number of moves a character regenerates at each tick when resting to refresh or regain movement points > Success chances with bash, stun and gouge, and helps determine whether a Thief will be able to poison a weapon or tumble effectively Dexterity is the prime attribute of the Thief, Vampire, Fathomer, and Bladesinger. Dexterity is the secondary attribute of the Warrior and Nephandi