Dispel magic

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 | /|                           |: This spell dispels magical  |:||
 ||:|                           |: affects on the victim. It   |:||
 ||:|    -= Dispel Magic =-     |: may be used as an offensive |:||
 ||:|                           |: spell to remove an enemy's  |:||
 ||:|   Syntax:                 |: magical advantages, or as a |:||
 ||:|                           |: benign spell to completely  |:||
 ||:| c 'dispel magic' <victim> |: remove your own magical     |:||
 ||:|                           |: affects. It will only remove|:||
 ||:|                           |: affects cast on a player,   |:||
 ||:|                           |: not equipment or innate     |:||
 ||:|                           |: affects.                    |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: When a caster successfully  |:||
 ||:|                           |: cast 'dispel magic' on them-|:||
 ||:|                           |: self they will remove all   |:||
 ||:|                           |: of their dispellable magical|:||
 ||:|                           |: affects. If a Mage success- |:||
 ||:|                           |: fully dispels a victim, the |:||
 ||:|                           |: number of affects stripped  |:||
 ||:|                           |: will depend on their success|:||
 ||:|                           |: and intelligence.           |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: WARNING: Use of this spell  |:||
 ||:|                           |: on anyone by a caster is    |:||
 ||:|                           |: considered an attack.       |:||
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