Divine draft

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| /|                            |:                               |:||
||:|  -= Divine Draft =-        |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|  Syntax:                   |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: When it is windy outside,     |:||
||:|                            |: Clerics may harness the power |:||
||:| c 'divine draft' <target>  |: of the wind to create a wall  |:||
||:|                            |: of air to damage and          |:||
||:|                            |: temporarily stun an opponent. |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: This spell is only available  |:||
||:|                            |: to Clerics following the Deity|:||
||:|                            |: group Vis Liberata.           |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: The Cleric must be in good    |:||
||:|                            |: standing with their Deity to  |:||
||:|                            |: cast this spell.              |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|___________________________ |: ______________________________|:||
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