Divine power

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   _________________________  ____________________________
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| /|                           |:                             |:||
||:|   -= Divine Power -=      |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|  Syntax:                  |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: With this spell, Clerics    |:||
||:|                           |: can increase their attack   |:||
||:|c 'divine power'           |: prowess and ability to land |:|
||:|                           |: blows. This spell is only   |:||
||:|                           |: available to Clerics in the |:||
||:|                           |: the Deity group Arcana      |:||
||:|                           |: Eviae.                      |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: The Cleric must be in good  |:||
||:|                           |: standing with their Deity to|:||
||:|                           |: cast it.                    |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|__________________________ |: ____________________________|:||
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+3 Hr, +30 2nd Attack