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/././                             Dragonborn                        \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  A race without a nation, the true origin of the Dragonborn   /././
/././  is unknown. Some suggest they are cousins of the Draconia,   \.\.\
\.\.\  and were formed through the ancient magic of Bahamut and his /././
/././  kin. Others speculate that the race came into being at a     \.\.\
\.\.\  time when Dragons could change into Humanoid form and were   /././
/././  created through the pairing of Dragons and Humans. What is   \.\.\
\.\.\  known is that the Dragonborn are a fierce race of fighters   /././
/././  and mystics who have strong loyalties and believe honour     \.\.\
\.\.\  is more important than life itself.                          /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  The Dragonborn have inherited their ancestors thick, scaly   /././
/././  hide which is often black, brown or gold in colour. They     \.\.\
\.\.\  stand taller and weigh more on average than most humanoids   /././
/././  in the Realm, are completely hairless and their eyes are     \.\.\
\.\.\  generally red or gold.                                       /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  While many of the Dragonborn are natural fighters, given     /././
/././  their physical size, a good number also apply their          \.\.\
\.\.\  intelligence towards the mystic arts as magic is strong      /././
/././  in their lineage.                                            \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  While they are not fond of the cold, they have               /././
/././  incredible resistance to fire and a natural armored          \.\.\
\.\.\  protection via their thick scaled hides. Additionally,       /././
\.\.\  their Draconic nature allows them to see what is hidden.     /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  Dragonborn may follow the ways of the following classes:     /././
/././                 Warrior, Barbarian, Mage, Nephandi            \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
/././  Dragonborn gain experience on a scale of normal rate * .90.  \.\.\
\.\.\                                                               /././
\.\.\  The Dragonborn are a race without a formal nation.           /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\                                                               /././

