Guild of Origin

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General Information

  • Formed: 19 September 2013
  • Motto: Honor, stealth, power: united in strength, knowledge and vengeance.
  • Description: Masters of the sword, mind and stealth combine time honoured skills and traditions. Elegant in their execution and wanting for little they join blade and sorcery with cunning. The Guild of Origin welcomes Mages, Thieves and Warriors.
  • Leader: Naridanern
  • Number One: Kayrlis
  • Number Two: Ravith


Area Directions

  • ZMud: #2 ne; e; ne; nw
  • MUSHClient: #2(ne) e (ne) (nw)
  • General: 2 ne, e, ne, nw

Area Information

  • Author: RoD
  • Credits: Petrograd/Arina
  • Level Range: 0 - 65
  • Repop Message: Primal and ancient powers are renewed as the circle of life turns.
  • Astral/Portal Point: None
  • Mob/Item List: Mob and Item List

Area Map


Help File

   /|__|_|__|\   Masters of the sword, mind and stealth combine 
  (    ( )    )  time honoured skills and traditions. Elegant in
   \|--\"/--|/   their execution and wanting for little they join
     |  Y  |     blade and sorcery with cunning.   
     |  |  |
     |  |  |
    _|  |  |  The Guild of Origin welcomes Mages, Thieves and Warriors.
 __/ |  |  |\
/  \ |  |  |  \
   __|  |  |   |   
/\/  |  |  |   |\
 (   +\ |  |\ /)  \
  )   + \  | +    |
       + \ |+  \  ( \
  (o)  +   +    |    )  Directions: ne, ne, e, ne, nw
   |             \  /\ 
 ( | )   (o)      \/  )
_\\|//__( | )______)_/ 


The Guild of Origin was officially introduced into the game on September 19, 2013. It is an amalgamation of the former Guilds of Warriors, Thieves, and Mages, formed after the Dragon Raid in Darkhaven destroyed the old guild halls.


The Guild of Origin's leadership history is approximately represented by this timeline. The colours of the bars represent the class of the leader: black for thief, red for warrior, and blue for mage. These colours come from the flags near Jarabelyxx's entrance to the guild. Goo-leader-history.png

Knoxwell was 2nd in January 2015. Ravith stepped down as first on Sept 21, 2020 and Kayrlis was promoted to first.