Hand of extirpation

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||:| -= Hand of extirpation=-  |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|  Syntax:                  |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: Using a holy symbol, Clerics|:||
||:|                           |: can cast 'hand of           |:||
||:|c 'hand of extirpation'    |: extirpation' to channel a   |:||
||:|                           |: massive amount of energy    |:||
||:|                           |: directly from their God upon|:||
||:|                           |: a specific target.          |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: Evil clerics can use this   |:||
||:|                           |: this spell to cast holy     |:||
||:|                           |: damage upon a good or       |:||
||:|                           |: neutral foe.                |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: The energy it takes to cast |:||
||:|                           |: this spell makes it         |:||
||:|                           |: impossible to be cast again |:||
||:|                           |: on the same mob by any      |:||
||:|                           |: cleric.                     |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: This spell is only available|:||
||:|                           |: to the Deity group Arcana   |:||
||:|                           |: Eviae.                      |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: The Cleric must be in good  |:||
||:|                           |: standing with their Deity to|:||
||:|                           |: cast this spell.            |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
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