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                        Lizardman [O´kwyl]

Lizardmen are semi-aquatic, breathing air but often dwelling
totally underwater. They are often noted to use underwater caves
as their lair, and are typically found in swamps, marshes, and
similar places.                                 
Members of this race band together in rough tribal fashion. They
are omnivores, and are likely to prefer Human flesh to  other
foods. Due to this taste for Humans, they suffer if their
alignment strays too much towards the honorable side of the 
Lizardmen, of course, possess the innate ability to breathe under
water and are additionally resistant to some slashing attacks.                                                     
Before the Shattering the race began to slowly die. Some say
there was a new darkness in the marsh lands, other say that
inbreeding was the cause, but whatever the reason, all of the
Lizardmen progeny were stillborn. It now states in the lore of the
Lizardmen shaman that the black magicks of the Tower of Despair
poisoned the marsh. The survival of the race is still uncertain.                                             
Lizardmen gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 0.91.  
The Lizardman Nation lies nestled in the swamps along the Kwai River.


  • Proficient abilities:
  • Imbued with: Aqua breath, Resist Slash
  • Experience gain rate: Normal rate * 0.91
  • Hometown: Tribal Swamplands
  • Racial Skill: Blend, level 35, Applies Hide and a +2 boost to Charisma for 100 rounds.
  • Skill book: #6 s;ne;#2 s;se;#2 e;s;#2 sw;s;#4 sw;#4 s;#5 se;#2 s;d;s;se;s;#3 sw;u;#3 w;s;sw;d;#3 w;#3 n;#2 w;sw;w;#3 n;#2 ne;nw;n. Dig Down to open a passageway, d;d;e;se;ne;Search
