Mathlaan Lagoon

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Area Directions

  • For Sea-Elves:
    • ZMud: #2 ne;#2 n;tell tage I seek the clear water of my haven
    • MUSHClient: #2(ne) 2n (tell tage I seek the clear water of my haven)
    • General: 2ne, 2n, tell tage I seek the clear water of my haven
  • For non-Sea-Elves:
    • ZMud: #8 e;#3 ne;#3 e;ne;e;ne;#2 e;#5 n;ne;e;ne;e;se;e;ne;#3 n;ne;#2 d;#12 w;se
    • MUSHClient: #8e 3(ne) 3e (ne) e (ne) 2e 5n (ne) e (ne) e (se) e (ne) 3n (ne) 2d 12w (se)
    • General: 8e, 3ne, 3e, ne, e, ne, 2e, 5n, ne, e, ne, e, se, e, ne, 3n, ne, 2d, 12w, se

Area Information


Secreted beyond the intimidating black cliffs which border the
southern fringe of the Ocean Keep, lies a pool of deep,
crystal clear water known as Mathlaan Lagoon. This peaceful
haven is home to the Sea-Elf Nation. The tranquil briny waters
invite all Sea-Elves to plunge into their depths.

Area Notes

Mathlaan Lagoon is the hometown of the Sea-Elf nation.

Area Map

Mathlaan Lagoon.png