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Area Directions

  • ZMud: #6 s;ne;#2 s;se;#2 e;s;#2 sw;s;#2 e;u;#3 e;#3 s;se;#3 e;s;#2 se;#3 s;sw;w;sw;d;nw;s;#2 e;#2 se;w
  • MUSHClient: #6s (ne) 2s (se) 2e s 2(sw) s 2e u 3e 3s (se) 3e s 2(se) 3s (sw) w (sw) d (nw) s 2e 2(se) w
  • General: 6s, ne, 2s, se, 2e, s, 2sw, s, 2e, u, 3e, 3s, se, 3e, s, 2se, 3s, sw, w, sw, d, nw, s, 2e, 2se, w

Area Information


As the oceans rose and flooded the land during the Shattering,
part of the landmass drifted south. The sea currents pushed
the land closer to the Tip of the World. As the water around
the landmass froze, the drifting stopped.

Lost to the world as a whole, Otherland has become a frozen
waste where the task of daily survival consumes almost all
activity. None live here in comfort. They listen to the rumble
of their empty stomachs and pray they do not end the day
lining the stomach of another. The natives eke out a rough
life. Those unfamiliar with the land are guaranteed to tread a
difficult path.

Area Notes

The 'Flying Above the Tundra' maze may push you into an instadeath room.

Area Map
