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| /|                            |:                               |:||
||:|     -= Rangecast =-        |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|  Syntax:                   |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: Focused on alleviating the    |:||
||:|                            |: suffering of others, Amnis    |:||
||:| rangecast                  |: Umbra Clerics have found a way|:||
||:|      <dir> <target> <spell>|: to aid others while they are  |:||
||:|                            |: not directly involved in the  |:||
||:|                            |: fight by using a 'rangecast', |:||
||:|                            |: skill that allows them to     |:||
||:|                            |: cast spells from a nearby     |:||
||:|                            |: room. Clerics using this skill|:||
||:|                            |: are currently able to cast    |:||
||:|                            |: cure blindness, cure light,   |:||
||:|                            |: cure serious, cure poison,    |:||
||:|                            |: aqua and refresh spells as    |:||
||:|                            |: long as they can see their    |:||
||:|                            |: target from an adjoining room.|:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: The Cleric must be in good    |:||
||:|                            |: standing with their Deity to  |:||
||:|                            |: cast this spell.              |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |: See also: help cure poison,   |:||
||:|                            |: cure blindness, cure serious, |:||
||:|                            |: cure light, aqua, and refresh.|:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|                            |:                               |:||
||:|___________________________ |: ______________________________|:||
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