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 ||:|    -= Rejuvenation =-     |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: Rejuvenation is the apex of |:||
 ||:|   Syntax:                 |: curative spells for the     |:||
 ||:|                           |: neutral Cleric.  However,   |:||
 ||:|   cast 'rejuvenation'     |: since the neutral Cleric    |:||
 ||:|                           |: seeks to maintain balance   |:||
 ||:|                           |: by neither aiding or harm-  |:||
 ||:|                           |: ing, the rejuvenation spell |:||
 ||:|                           |: works only on the caster.   |:||
 ||:|                           |: Rejuvenation is more power- |:||
 ||:|                           |: ful than heal, but limited  |:||
 ||:|                           |: in range.                   |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
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