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A'enari (Good) Vl'aresch (Evil)
Bron'trel (Order) LaChte (Chaos)
Z'hyal (sun) Gre'Vos (moon)
Mak'kor (demons) Bael (death)
Sarane (feminism) Wirawyth (battle)
Estathius (neutrality) Tempus (war)
Kardis (sorrow) Adendra (faith)
Shivvan (sin) Sh'Vath (purity)
Ghordohl (wealth) Keltas (poor)
Kalerd (summer) Tirebaen (winter)
Cawyn (storms) Sil-Galith (mountains)
Masefi (wind) Grishnakh (orcs)

Formed from a mortal's pure need for gluttony and sin, Shivvan exists only to tempt those around it into indulging in their fantasies and living out their dreams. Whether it be a simple forbidden item taken from the shelves of a shop or lusting after those one cannot have. Shivvan is the dark spawn of LaChte and feels that it can aid its creator fight against order by driving mortals into the chaos of sin and degradation. Anywhere there is an act against the beliefs of Bron'trel and against the rules of society, the presence of Shivvan can be felt.

Killing and desecrating the graves of the dead are the easiest way to gain the approval of the deity of sin. Shivvan only favors the evil, despising those of good nature. He supports the use of thievery and the killing of beings of pure spirit.

Directions To Naos

  • ZMud: e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;ne;ne;ne;e;e;e;ne;e;ne;e;e;n;n;e;ne
    • Traverse the Morbid Forest maze (see Notes below), scry for "At the Edge of the Blackened Forest".
      • e;ne;w
  • MUSHClient: e;e;e;e;e;e;e;e;ne;ne;ne;e;e;e;ne;e;ne;e;e;n;n;e;ne
    • Traverse the Morbid Forest maze (see Notes below), scry for "At the Edge of the Blackened Forest".
      • #e (ne) w
  • General: 8e, 3ne, 3e, ne, e, ne, 2e, 2n, e, ne, (see Notes below before entering the Morbid Forest maze), scry for "At the Edge of the Blackened Forest", e, ne, w



Devoting to Shivvan is very dangerous. The ZMud/MUSHClient directions listed above will only lead you to the start of the Morbid Forest maze in Shai'Ghool, because you shouldn't just be spamming directions in there. It's best to leave all your equipment with a friend and run through the maze naked.

  • Shivvan steals your gold.