Solar flight
This spell allows the caster to merge from an outdoor area to their target in an outdoor area. The spell has a few restrictions: You will only succeed in casting it during daytime hours, between 7am and 5pm and you will only succeed in casting if both you and your target are in an outdoor area -- you need the power of the sun in order for this spell to work (thus it will also not succeed in bad weather). See Also: Astral disruption
- Syntax:
cast 'solar flight'
- Duration: Unknown
- Mininum stance: Unknown
Solar flight is a planar spell and as such is subject to the restrictions of astral disruption. Solar flight has more restrictions than other planar spells and most Clerics don't use it at all because of the extraordinarily low chances of it succeeding. It can only be used when both the caster and target are in outdoor rooms, both in 'good weather' and only during daylight hours (7am - 5pm). Good weather is difficult to define and even harder to bring about, since Clerics lost the control weather spell in the Shattering and adjust clime is only available to those in Vis Liberata. An easy way to judge whether the weather is suitable is by typing 'look sky'; if you can see a picture of the sun, then the weather requirement is met at your end.
See Also