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 | /|                           |: Steal attempts to steal     |:||
 ||:|                           |: coins, or an object, from   |:||
 ||:|        -= Steal =-        |: a mob or another player.    |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|   Syntax:                 |: Steal is an aggressive skill|:||
 ||:|                           |: and should not be used on   |:||
 ||:| steal coins <character>   |: mobiles already fighting    |:||
 ||:| steal <object> <character>|: another player. It will     |:||
 ||:|                           |: cause the mobile to attack  |:||
 ||:|                           |: you if the attempt fails.   |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: There are penalties for     |:||
 ||:|                           |: using steal on other        |:||
 ||:|                           |: players.                    |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: See Also: Laws Stores       |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: This is an innate skill     |:||
 ||:|                           |: for thieves and will work   |:||
 ||:|                           |: without having to practice  |:||
 ||:|                           |: it first.                   |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|__________________________ |: ____________________________|:||
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