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Default Template

When filling out a template, leave a field blank if you don't know that specific item.

|helpfile = The information from the helpfile, leave a space before each line.
|syntax = Command syntax from help
|type = Type of spell (Attack, Support, Downspell, Curative, Utility, etc)
|target = The valid targets for this spell. Self only, All, Enemies only, Items only, etc.
|cost = Amount of mana or blood or hp required. E.g. 50 mana
|damage = Amount of damage caused (or range)
|heal = Amount of health healed (or range)
|effect = A description of the effects of this spell
|duration = Number of rounds the effect lasts for
|minpos = the MinPos for this skill/spell
|restrictions = Restrictions (Evil only/Path of the Quill/etc)
|selfsuccself = The message for a successful self-cast
|selffailself = The message for a failed self-cast
|selfexpire = The message when the spell expires
|selfsuccother = The message for a successful cast on other
|selffailother = The message for a failed cast on other
|othersuccself = The message for someone's successful cast on you
|otherfailself = The message for someone's failed cast on you
|othersuccother = The message for someone's successful cast on other
|otherfailother = The message for someone's failed cast on other
|notes = Additional comments



What you enter

|helpfile =
 Heal is the apex of curative spells for the devout Cleric.
 Unlike the healing spells of other alignments, heal may be
 cast on the caster or on another target.
|syntax = cast heal <target>
|type = Curative
|target = All
|cost = 50 mana
|damage = 
|heal = 100
|effect = 
|duration = Instantaneous
|minpos = fighting (aggressive)
|restrictions = 
|selfsuccself = A warm feeling fills your body.
|selffailself = 
|selfexpire = 
|selfsuccother = You lay a hand of healing upon <target>.
|selffailother = 
|othersuccself = A warm feeling fills your body.
|otherfailself = 
|othersuccother = (no message shown)
|otherfailother = 
|notes = Heal is the most widely used healing spell in the game. Only devout clerics can cast Heal.

What it looks like


Heal is the apex of curative spells for the devout Cleric.
Unlike the healing spells of other alignments, heal may be
cast on the caster or on another target.


  • Syntax: cast heal <target>
  • Type: Curative
  • Valid Targets: All
  • Cost: 50 mana
  • Heal: 100 hitpoints
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Mininum stance: fighting (aggressive)

Spell Messages

  • When you successfully cast on yourself: A warm feeling fills your body.
  • When you successfully cast on player A: You lay a hand of healing upon <target>.
  • When player A successfully casts on you: A warm feeling fills your body.
  • When player A successfully casts on player B: (no message shown)


Heal is the most widely used healing spell in the game. Only devout clerics can cast Heal.