The City of Iniquity

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  • General: nw, 2w, 4n, e, look painting, open n, n, 28w, 2s, 4e, d
  • zMUD: nw;#2 w;#4 n;e;look painting;open n;n;#28 w;#2 s;#4 e;d
  • MUSHClient: #(nw) 2w 4n e (look painting) (open n) n 28w 2s 4e d



Eons ago, dark elves emerged from the elven race that lived
within the Realms' valley. Shortly thereafter, the elves found
themselves in great distress - torn between those following a
path of chaos, and those maintaining a life of righteousness.
A great, painful war broke out and scattered destruction over
the centuries. Magicks of immense power flew back and forth as
each alignment fended for themselves, and many a brethren
slain. The valley was left in turmoil, drenched in the flesh
and blood of the elven kind.

In the end, the good had prevailed. The dark elves were forced
from the valley's surface and driven deep underground, where
they created a new civilization - bleak, lightless caverns and
tunnels of the underworld. After a prolonged amount of time
shielding themselves from the natural light of the world,
their skin became black as night, hair silver as the moon, and
eyes red like the raging fire burning within their souls. The
drow were born, filling their days with havoc and station
within the city in which they were forced into...the city that
they had created...the City of Iniquity.


This is the Drow race hometown. Nothing of interest on the leveling side of things. Alternate route to the hometown is to tell Tagetarle's ghost "I seek the darkness of my home" (with no period). You can also say "Darkhaven" at the Hellhound to be sent back to Darkhaven Square.


City of Iniquity.png