The Domain of the World Eater

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  • Author(s): Rolindar
  • Credits: Gonnil
  • Level Range: 30 - 50
  • Repop Message: Deep, booming laughter echoes through the halls of the citadel.
  • Approximate Repop Frequency: every 13min
  • Geo: Mire Geo
  • Astral/Portal Point: Unknown
  • Mob and Item List


This citadel was commonly known to have been established in
the Realms of Despair after a ghostly donation chest appeared
in Darkhaven Square, with a list of items inscribed upon it
that were eventually deposited as offerings. The exact
location of this place is not well known, and likely is
separate from the common physical world.


news 1234. Located inside the Obsidian Fog in Machine Dreams. A Formless void.


           [ ]      [12]
            |         | 
           [11]------[ ]    
          (up/down to [9])
                 [ ]
             [5]-[ ]-[6]
                 [ ]
         [3]      ^    
          |       ^ 
     [ ]-[ ]-[ ]+[4]
         [ ]
      [ ]
       ^ \
       ^  [G]-[2]
      [T]         [L]--[F]
       |           |
      [ ]-[g]-[s]-[ ]-[ ]
              [s] [r]
              [u]-----[ ]---[DT]
      (Formless Void Maze)
 (Obsidian Fog - Machine Dreams)
 0 - [START] "The Arches of Oblivion" (Kill viligant watcher for key)
 v - one way exit (arrow direction)
 ^ - one way exit (arrow direction)
 + - door - open/close
 u - "Beyond the arches"(up leads to DT)
 s - up/down stair
 DT - Deathtrap
 1 - A demonic butler
 r - A wooden rack
 L - "A foul latrine" (enter)
 F - A fluffy toy (key for trapdoor - [T])
 g - A grinning gargoyle (silver helm)
 T - The troll guard / unlock trapdoor
 G - A grinning gargoyle
 2 - A deranged alchemist
 3 - Aaquervus
 4 - The spectral librarian, desk, push/pull tome
 5 - The Forsaken Entity
 6 - Erytug
 f - A bubbling fountain
 7 - Urgaz
 8 - Shrua
 9 - Unearthly Guardian
 nn - Past Unearthly Guardian is no recall
 10 - Jedevirk
 B - pull/push tome has a damage program
 11 - Shruaurgaz ('say I wish to slay him' - trans to prep before 12)
 12 - World Eater ('say I wish to be gone from this place' - trans to Xygian in DH)