The Dunhill Demesnes

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Area Directions

  • ZMud: nw;w;w;#4 n;e;look painting;open n;n;n;#57 w;ne
  • MUSHClient: #(nw) 2w 4n e (look painting) (open n) 2n 57w (ne)
  • General: nw, 2w, 4n, e, look painting, open n, 2n, 57w, ne

Area Information


During the Time of Legends, when the forces of Light and
Darkness fought for domination of the Realms, there arose a
powerful force for Good...The Lords of Light. These Lords of
Light traveled the Realms, combating evil where they found
it and driving it out until they could fight no more. Once the
battles were over, the Elves offered the Lords of Light a
place to live among the trees, but they declined the offer and
bade the Elves farewell, and were granted safe passage through
Elvish territory to the lands beyond the valley. Once past the
Elven forests, they constructed a bastion of Good upon the
great grassy plains they found and all was well. Then, the     
gods of Darkness caused a great black rain to fall upon them,
and an evil plague decimated the populace. The Lords of Light
were forced into themselves, away from the world, biding their
time until they could return and rebuild their ranks. Now they
search for those who would pass the tests put to them and join
the Lords of Light to fight against evil!

Area Notes

Mobs of note are Cernunnos and Gealcath, the Dragon of Light.

Area Map

