The Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector

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A long, flowing tabard, once belonging to a famed knight lies upon the ground.


Object 'the Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 45 armor, weight 2.
Locations it can be worn:  body
Special properties:  glow bless
Genres allowed:  fighter divinity shaman
Alignments allowed:  good
This armor is layerable.
This armor has a gold value of 124050.
Armor class is 10 of 10.



Bearing the sacred symbol of the lily, this tabard once belonged to a member
of the famed Guard of the Innocent, whose sacred duty was the protection of
the followers of Naetrelle. Though their membership is all but gone, it is
said that those worthy enough to wear the sacred emblem are bequethed special
favors within the temple walls.


  • Casts 'bless' +7 when worn on devout paladins.
  • This is usually used as the 7th layer of the Layerplate.