The Umbrageous Ruins

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  • General: Recall (alternatively you can say 'I seek the ruins' from one of the locations listed in 'help pkmap')



    /\                                                                  \
    \_|                     The Umbrageous Ruins                        |
      |                                                                 |
      |  After the last Clan Wars, the gods looked down upon the ruins  |
      |  of old Darkhaven and shifted them into another plane, one that |
      |  can only be reached by those who follow a dark and shadowy     |
      |  path. Now decayed beyond recognition, the shambled remnants of |
      |  once great structures cover all signs that this was once the   |
      |  prosperous center of Despair. Burning lava flows through the   |
      |  city and moving shadows hide killers in their shroud of        |
      |  darkness. It is said that there are secret portals and         |
      |  passages hidden within that will lead to the main plane of     |
      |  these Realms. It is also rumored that the spirit of Gravoc     |
      |  oversees the ruins, enforcing his own brand of death and       |
      |  destruction.                                                   |
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |   ______________________________________________________________|_


This is the area you start in as a deadly player. There are shops and repairs here. There are no DTs in the ruins. help pkmap, help pkmap2.

                  1             | A-Armor              1-Isle of Nethescuros
                  |             | B-Bridge             2-Shadow Grove, "Enter"
                  |             | C-PKC Board          3-Down to Grimoire
            C  H  |             | D-Dark Path          4-Up to Machine Dreams
         L--K--G--'             | G-Gravoc
            P  |                | H-Healer
               |                | K-Pkill Board
            M--+--3--2          | L-Lessons
    D          |  M             | M-Mud tunnel
     \   Q     |                | P-Post Office
1-----+--|-----S--DAEMON------1 | Q-Potions
      |  M     |  R  M          | R-Repair
      W        |                | S-Square of Seven Deaths
      A  A     |     .          | W-Weapons
      L--|-----+-ASHEN--,       |--------------------------------------------
      L  W     |  M  '  4       | DH Art Gallery - say 'the gallery' at "L"
      |        |                | DH Academy     - tell Gravoc 'the academy'
      |        |                | Archives       - west, down from Gravoc
      B        1           N    | Oracle         - west, up from Gravoc
      |                  W + E  | Need spells?   - say 'grant me might' at "H"
  (pkmap2)                 S    |                  or 'grant me power' at "G"
- To get to PKtown, say 'I seek the ruins' at "On a long, rusted bridge",
  "Along a wet trail", "The Shadow Grove", or "The Crossroads on the Hilltop"
- To get to Law Avenue in DH say 'the gallery' at Gravoc's Pedagogic Spirit.
- Portals exist at the northern, eastern, western, and southern sides of the
  Isle of Nethescuros. These take you to Darkhaven.
  See also:  HELP PKMAP2
(pkmap1)                                     |
   |                                         |  B-Babel Road
   |                                         |  C-The Dark Cafe
   M-------M--------M--------M--------M      |  D-Dirge Alley
   |       |        |        |        |      |  E-Altar of Ancients
   |       |        O--C     |     B  |      |  G-Galaxy
   |       |        |        |     |  |      |  H-Heathen Row
   |       H     Z--Z--Z     T--B--B  |      |  M-Molten Flux
   |       |     |     |     |        |      |  O-Other Rooms
   | O--O--H--O--Z--O--Z--O--T--O--O  |      |  T-Black Mass Trail
   | |     |                 |        |      |  V-Venom Crossing
   | O     H           T-----T        |      |  Z-Zone of Malevolence
   |       |           |              |      |-------------------------
   |       H-----------V-----H        |      |  For an outcast, say
   |                   |     |        |      |  'outcast me please'
   |    N           T--T     H--D--D  |      |  at The Dark Cafe
   |  W + E         |        |     |  |      |-------------------------
   |    S           T        H     G  |      |  The Altar of the Ancients
   |                |        |        |      |  may be used by clan leaders
   M----------------M--------M--------M      |  to invoke clan equipment
                                      E      '-------------------------
  See also:  HELP PKMAP

PK Town Map (The Umbrageous Ruins)
