Turn undead

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| /|                           |:                             |:||
||:|    -=Turn Undead -=       |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|  Syntax:                  |:                             |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: Makes a non-sentinel undead |:||
||:|c 'turn undead' <target>   |: creature fear the very      |:||
||:|                           |: presence of the caster,     |:||
||:|                           |: causing them to flee away.  |:||
||:|                           |: This spell is only available|:||
||:|                           |: to clerics following the    |:||
||:|                           |: Deity group Arcana Eviae.   |:||
||:|                           |: A symbol of faith is        |:||
||:|                           |: required to cast this spell.|:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: The Cleric must be in good  |:||
||:|                           |: standing with their Deity to|:||
||:|                           |: cast this spell.            |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
||:|                           |: See also: help undead       |:||
||:|                           |:                             |:||
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