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General Information
WHO ---------------------------------<COMMANDS>------------------------------------ Syntax: who <argument> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who shows characters currently online in the game. Invisible characters will not appear on this list if you are not detecting invisible. Immortals who are wizinvis higher than your own level also will not appear. Available arguments include levels, races, classes, councils, organizations, positions, deadly/pk, groups, role players, devotion, and paths. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: Type this To list information about online players who are who 10 level 10 or above who 15 20 between level 15 and 20 who cleric clerics who cleric elf cleric Elves who imm Immortals who cleric 1 5 clerics between levels 1 and 5 who deadly deadly (pkill) characters who 'GoN' 'GoO' 'GoS' members of the specified Guild who <order name> members of the specified Order who <clan name> members of the specified Clan who <council> members of the specified Council who <deity name> worshippers of the specified Deity who group grouped who group 10 20 between levels 10 and 20 and grouped or want to group who leader leaders of organizations who org leader leaders of an organization who honor config +honor who 'path of <field>' adhered to a specific path who rp config +rp who friend on your friendlist. who ic config +ic who prestige List of multi-class players online -------------------------------------------------------------------------------