Endure elements

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      __________________________  ______________________________
  __ /                           |                               \ __
 | /|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|  -= Endure Elements =-     |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|  Syntax:                   |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |: Endure elements will grant the|:||
 ||:|                            |: caster the ability to gain    |:||
 ||:| c 'endure elements'        |: resistance to fire, cold and  |:||
 ||:|                            |: energy.                       |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |: This spell is only available  |:||
 ||:|                            |: to Clerics following the Deity|:||
 ||:|                            |: group Vis Liberata.           |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |: The Cleric must be in good    |:||
 ||:|                            |: standing with their Deity to  |:||
 ||:|                            |: cast this spell.              |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|                            |:                               |:||
 ||:|___________________________ |: ______________________________|:||
 |_____________________________      ________________________________|


  • Duration: Unknown
  • Mininum stance: Unknown


gives res fire 5% res cold 5% res energy 5%