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 ||:| -= Cause Light/Serious =- |:                             |:||
 ||:|  -= Critical and Harm =-  |:                             |:||
 ||:|                           |: These spells are granted by |:||
 ||:|   Syntax:                 |: deities of all alignments   |:||
 ||:|                           |: to their Clerics. Devout    |:||
 ||:|c 'cause light' <victim>   |: Clerics use these spells as |:||
 ||:|c 'cause serious' <victim> |: means of self-defense, while|:||
 ||:|c 'cause critical' <victim>|: evil Clerics use them for   |:||
 ||:|c 'harm' <victim>          |: assault. Neutral Clerics    |:||
 ||:|                           |: will use these spells to    |:||
 ||:|                           |: either end. Cause light is  |:||
 ||:|                           |: the weakest form of spirit- |:||
 ||:|                           |: ual attack, progressing up  |:||
 ||:|                           |: to harm.                    |:||
 ||:|                           |:                             |:||
 ||:|__________________________ |: ____________________________|:||
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