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General Information

  • Motto: 'Viva la femme!'
  • Description: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
  • Headquarters: Maidenstone Headquarters
  • Deity: Shadrack
  • Leader: Anastasia
  • Number One: Anya
  • Number Two: Stozzter


The Age of Honor comes to pass, bringing mania ....     ,-|  ,-.
and terror in its wake. Clans diverge and   ,;;'''';;,  | |  |-'  ,-. ,;;;;
splinter, casting aside old treaties for   ;;'    .  ;;,`-'  `-'  | |.,;;;'   
new. While the wars rage on, a ,;;;       ;; ,-.  |   `;;,';;;,.  ' ',%;;'     
spark of virtue lights itself,;;,;; ,-,-. ;; ,-|  '  ,;`;;;, `;::.  %%;',-.  
amid the turmoil of the era.;;;,;;; | | | `' `-'   ,;;; ;;,;;, `::,%%;' `-.
A vampire arises from the   ;;;,;;;,' ' '      ,%%%%%'% ;;;;,;;   %;;;  '-'
shadows, a woman ,%,.      `;;;,;;;,    .,%%%%%%%%%'%; ;;;;;,;;  %;;; |-
cursed to see the,`%%%%%%%%%%`;;,;;'%%%%%%%%%%%%%'%%'  `;;;;;,;, %;;; |
fates of the     ;;;,`%%%%%%%%%%%,; ..`%%%%%%%%;'%%%'    `;;;;,;; %%;;`'
people around her.`;;;;;,`%%%%%,;;/, ..;`"""'',%%%%%      `;;;;;; %%;;, ,-.  
Visions and auras    `;;;;;;;,;;/////,.:..;,;%%%%%%%        `;;;;,`%%;; | | 
assault her mind as the     ;;;/%%%%,%///;;;';%%%%%%,          `;;;%%;;,`-'
impending doom of the world;;;/%%%,%%%%%/;;;';;'%%%%%,             `%%;; ,-.
seems to close in. Under  .;;/%%,%%%%%//;;'  ;;;'%%%%%,             %%;;,| |
the blessing of Circe, the;;//%,%%%%//;;;'   `;;;;'%%%%             `%;;;' '
vampire Min molds a new   ;;//%,%//;;;;'      `;;;;'%%%              %;;;, ,-.
coven. Elusive and mystic `;;//,/;;;'          `;;;'%%'              `%;;; |-'
women arise to the call and `;;;;'               `;'%'                `;;;;`-'
lead the clan to a dignified level of power and unity.     ,,,.        `;;;;
They call themselves the Maidenstone. Armageddon nears ,;;;;;;;;;;,     `;;;;  
as the visions form into reality. Clans are ripped    ;;;'    ;;;,;;,    `;;;;
asunder by the unseen hand of the Gods and replaced by;;;      ;;;;,;;.   `;;;;
mere shadows and memories. The vampire Min beseeches   `;;      ;;;;;,;;   ;;;;
the heavens for salvation from the fate of her foes. As the dust `;;;;,;;  ;;;;
clears, mere ruins remain among the shattered dreams of the terrible`;;,;, ;;;;
clans. The goddess Circe extends compassion and creates a new refuge   ;;, ;;;;
for the women. The former assassins arise as a phoenix from the ashes.   ';;;;;
Maidenstone now stands as a testament of ancient power and honor.         ;;;;;
A powerful force of nature, wild and untamable, was formed; whispered   .;;;;'
in the trees and the four winds... Maidenstone.                        ;;;;;'
For more information on applying: Help MS Inductions                 ,;;;;'

External Links

Order of Maidenstone website