SMR Items

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Object 'a golden braid' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 20 armor, weight 1.
Locations it can be worn:  neck
Special properties:  none
This armor has a gold value of 130000.
Armor class is 9 of 9.
Affects charisma by 1.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects mana by 30.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Object 'a silver braid' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 20 armor, weight 1.
Locations it can be worn: ankle
Special properties: metal
This armor has a gold value of 760000.
Armor class is 7 of 7.
Affects dexterity by -1.
Affects mana by 4.
Object 'an iron hook' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 4 clawing weapon, weight 2.
Locations it can be worn:  wield
Special properties:  magic bless
This weapon has a gold value of 4500.
Damage is 2 to 16 (average 9).
Affects hp by 4.
Affects armor class by -4.
Affects dexterity by 2.
Affects hit roll by 2.
Affects hit roll by 3.
Affects damage roll by 3.
Object 'a bronze shield' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 17 armor, weight 2.
Locations it can be worn:  shield
Special properties:  metal
This armor has a gold value of 180000.
Armor class is 5 of 5.
Affects armor class by -12.
Affects strength by 1.
Affects constitution by 2.
Affects damage roll by 3.
Affects hit roll by 1.


These four items are all from the Southern Mountain Range and are all made in roughly the same fashion. Follow the guide below to make any of them.

You will want to view the full map of the Southern Mountain Range as reference and in order to move around the area. He's an excerpt with the bits you really need (the bit with the ore, and the town of Edel):


First you need to to get the right ore, see the table below.

Item Ore
a golden braid a rock containing gold ore
a silver braid a rock containing silver ore
an iron hook some oxidizing iron ore
a bronze shield a small deposit of tin ore, a rock containing copper ore

From the square, walk 8w, sw, s, 2sw, s, w, se (#8 w;sw;s;sw;sw;s;w;se;s) to get to the room marked "11" on the map. The rooms that have ore in them have hints in the description about 'the glint of metallic rocks' and each of the rooms that cointain ore are marked in green, specifically the group at the top of the map. You have to search for them. Occasionally there are two in one room, but it's so seldom the case that it's not really worth searching after the first one. All the ores are area repop items, and the usual rules apply.

Now that you've got the ore, you need to go to Edel to have it smelted. If you can't astral Roovin - and if you can, then do so - then it's probably faster to recall and enter the area from the normal entrance and walk that way ( 6s, ne, 2s, se, 2e, s, 2sw, s, 7sw, 5w )(#6 s;ne;s;s;se;e;e;s;sw;sw;s;#7 sw;#5 w) and walk straight to Edel's gate. Otherwise, the dirs from the room marked as "10" on the map are se, e, 2se, 2ne, n, u, sw, u, w, sw, 2w, sw, 3s, 2se, ne, e, sw, s, sw, s, 2se, ne, n, e, 2se, u, se, 3sw, w, 3s, 7sw (se;e;se;se;ne;ne;n;u;sw;u;w;sw;w;w;sw;#3 s;se;se;ne;e;sw;s;sw;s;se;se;ne;n;e;se;se;u;se;#3 sw;w;#3 s;#7 sw) . From the gate, Roovin the smelterer is 2s, e and Bugelii the blacksmith is w, s, w from him.

Ore Roovin's Fees Bugelii's fees Total Cost
Silver 15k 70k 85k
Gold 30k 80k 110k
Iron 5k 10k 15k
Tin 2.5k - -
Copper 10k - -
Bronze 1k 50k 51k

Give the ore to Roovin. Don't have him working on more than one of the same type, he'll only give one back - the same goes for Bugelii. He'll say to come back in the morning and to bring a certain amount of money (see the table above). After twelve mud hours, he'll produce a bar of the ore you gave to him and take the money from you. The shield is the exception - smelt the tin and the copper, then give the bars back to him to be smelted into bronze. Take the smelted ore to Bugelii and over the course of another long boring period of time (a bit longer than Roovin takes), he'll turn it into your item. Once this time has passed, say yes and he'll ask you what it was that he was making for you, reply silver / gold / iron / bronze. He'll give you the item and charge yet more gold.