Shield of the deep lode

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A shield of reddish iron lies here.


Object 'shield of the deep lode' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 50 armor, weight 2.
Locations it can be worn:  shield
Special properties:  metal unique
Races allowed:  Dwarf
This armor has a gold value of 75020.
It is one of the pieces of the set 'Relics of the Deep Lode Forge'.
Armor class is 13 of 13.
Affects armor class by -12.
Affects hp by 20.
Affects mana by 40.
Affects luck by 3.
Affects save vs breath by -2.
Affects hit roll by 3.
Affects damage roll by 5.
  Bonuses for 'Relics of the Deep Lode Forge', 3 pieces:
    Affects damage roll by 2.
    Affects hit roll by 3.
    Affects mana by 30.
    Affects affected_by by shockshield



It is a tall and narrow iron shield. The metal is a dull reddish colour, thick
and sturdy looking. It has no handle or strapping for the wearer to hold it by,
rather a pair of clips on the inside which must make it only wearable when it
is clipped on to the appropriate armguards that are designed for it.


Part of the Relics of the Deep Lode Forge Equipment set

You use shield of the deep lode as a shield.
Without the armguards that this shield was forged for, you can not make it stay in place.
The dying dragon can't keep the ancient artifact that it coveted and stole from
a party of adventurers hidden any longer.
The Black Dragon drops shield of the deep lode.