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/././                         Tiefling                              \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines and, in the      /././
/././  broadest sense possible, they still look human.  However,    \.\.\
\.\.\  their infernal heritage has left a clear imprint on their    /././
/././  appearance.  Though their demonic lineage is removed by      \.\.\
\.\.\  many generations, physical traits such as horns, tails,      /././
/././  and unusual skin, hair and eye colors are prevalent in       \.\.\
\.\.\  most tieflings.  These features can rest dormant in families /././
/././  and manifest unexpectedly.  Many tieflings are killed at     \.\.\
\.\.\  birth from fear, superstition or both.                       /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  Tieflings have no unified nation or culture.  The            /././
/././  circumstances of their births leave them disconnected and    \.\.\
\.\.\  isolated.  Unwilling to trust and without much recourse in   /././
/././  society, they often resort to the baser tendencies of their  \.\.\
\.\.\  ancestry.  While tieflings can be of any alignments, the     /././
\.\.\  pull of their fiendish progenitors remains in the blood      /././
/././  and prevents them from being as devout as other races.       \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  While some tieflings are natural fighters, most rely on      /././
/././  either their intelligence or their charm to eke out an       \.\.\
\.\.\  existence as a practitioner of magic or a charlatan.         /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  While their diabolical roots provides them with a            /././
/././  resistance to fire, it also makes tieflings susceptible      \.\.\
\.\.\  to holy attacks.  They also also keen-sighted and possess    /././
\.\.\  the innate ability to see at a distance and sense heat in    /././
/././  darkness.                                                    \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\  Tieflings may follow the ways of the following classes:      /././
/././         Augurer Bladesinger Druid Fathomer Mage Nephandi      \.\.\
/././         Thief Vampire Warrior                                 \.\.\
/././                                                               \.\.\
/././  Tieflings gain experience on a scale of normal rate * .95.   \.\.\
\.\.\                                                               /././
\.\.\  Tieflings are a race without a formal nation.                /././
/././                                                               \.\.\
\.\.\                                                               /././

